Curly Comms

Week Ending: 25/02/2024

Rowancurl Pullman Porter – Best In Show CCRC Open Show 2024

Club News

CCRC Annual General Meeting and Open Show, 24 February 2024
What a fabulous day at the CCRC AGM and Open Show, and what a lovely venue!!
Breed Specialist Judge Heather Barber (Blanshard) found her principal winners in:

Best In Show & Best Dog – Mrs V C & Mr K M Dooley, Rowancurl Pullman Porter
Reserve Best In Show, Best Opposite Sex, Best Veteran In Show, Best Bitch, & Best Veteran Bitch – Mr N & Mrs S D Spraggins,  Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love At Tusepo
Reserve Best Dog – Miss J Stubbs, Brightmeadow Take Your Time At Densdale
Reserve Best Bitch – Miss D M Courtier, Maycourt Cover Shot
Best Puppy In Show & Best Puppy Bitch – Mrs E D Clack & Mr E Eddery, Epsilon Adhara At Molokain
Reserve Best Puppy In Show & Best Puppy Dog – Mr A Moore & Miss V Hayes, Roughyeds Regal Weir
Reserve Best Veteran in Show & Best Veteran Dog – Mrs S D Mistlin, Maycourt Starman By Crookwood ShCM
Best Baby Puppy In Show – Mr S Davies & Mrs S Margerison, Kandrelli Black Scoter

Full results can be found here
(More photos on the Results Page soon)
Well let’s see – the AGM business got done, there was a lovely atmosphere around the ring, there was a fabulous picnic with everyone contributing something tasty, lots of money was spent on the Raffle and at the Club Shop, the new Champions got their commemorative plaques, the trophies were awarded, Yearbooks were distributed, lots of cake was eaten, and everyone toasted the Club. Not only that we think we are the first club to hold the Baby Puppy Classes, and they were fabulous….! If you were unable to make it there, you missed a really good day!

Champ Shows

Gundog Day, Crufts, Friday 8 March 2024
It’s an early start for the Curlies in Hall 4, Ring 21 – judging starts at 8.30 am. Set those alarms folks!

Open Show Results

Torquay & District Canine Society, 24 February 2024
Judge: Mr Tim Ball (Kaitak)
1 Mr J & Mrs MB Stephens, Sh Ch Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW, BOB

The Yorkshire Gundog Club, 25 February 2024
Judge: Wendy Tarelli (Tarockwood)
Junior (3 entries, 0 abs)
1 Mrs KS Stead, Firecurl Firefly, RBOB & BPIB & winning £10 (£5 for each award)
2 Miss VE Clinch, Roughyeds Regal Fairbanks At Schwarzmoose
3 Mrs J Clayton, Firecurl Ace

Open (5 entries, 2 abs)
1 Mrs VC & Mr KM Dooley, Rowancurl Pullman Porter, BOB & winning £5
2 Miss VE Clinch, Roughyeds Hilda Ogden At Schwarzmoose
3 Mr EJ Emery, Foxriever Midsummer Magic At Thunderguard

UK Vulnerable Native Breeds
Judge: Mrs P Gowland (Remington)
Puppy (9 entries, 1 abs)
2 Mrs KS Stead, Firecurl Firefly

This was Firecurl Firefly – Bridie’s very first show at 7.5 months, she’s training to be a working gundog really, but thought she would dip her paw into the showring. She did so well, took it all in her stride & really enjoyed her day – her mum bought the ‘showgirl’ a lovely new pink collar and lead….

Cheltenham & District Canine Society, 25 February 2024
Judge: Andy Cook (Milcook)
1 Mrs H Driscoll, Overbore Bombette For HisRiver, BOB
2 Miss R Arnold & Mr J Dobson, Roughyeds Regal George At Treecave, BPIB
3 Mrs E Sutton, Mrs D & Mr A Whitehead, Foxriever Grey Ghost

Post Graduate
1 Mrs E Sutton, Mrs D & Mr A Whitehead, Foxriever Grey Ghost

Open – no entries


Manchester Championship Show, 21 January 2024
Liz Harper’s critique is now available here on the Show Results Page.

Dukeries (Notts) Gundog Club, 17 February 2024
Judge: Christine Morgan
Puppy Dog or Bitch
1st Epsilon Adhara At Molokain. As I’ve said above, I found her quite enchanting with her pretty head and expression. She is well off for bone, forelegs well under body, has plenty of depth, well sprung ribs and a moderate bend of stifle. She wears a thick coat of small, tight, crisp curls and moves with a powerful gait showing plenty of reach and drive. BPIB. RBOB. RBPIS.
2nd Roughyeds Regal Fairbanks At Schwarzmoose. She is at a bit of a leggy stage so is not quite as long in body as she could be compared to her height. That said I liked her wedge shaped head, she is well boned and has good depth and ribs and enough forechest. Moved well.

Junior Dog or Bitch
1st Foxriever Grey Ghost. He has plenty of bone and substance, a good forehand, depth of brisket and well sprung ribs. Strong neck, well laid shoulders and there is plenty of dog in front. I liked his head and expression, correct wedge shape and dark eyes. Carries a thick, crisp coat. Moved out well. RBOB.

Post Graduate Dog or Bitch
1st Foxriever Grey Ghost. Repeat.
2nd Molokain Hocus Pocus. A really nice bitch who does herself no favours by straightening herself behind on the stack. She doesn’t have the forechest of the winner but her head is lovely with a beautiful eye and expression. Another very good coat.
3rd Foxriever Midsummer Magic At Thunderguard

Open Dog or Bitch
1st Bazzy Inti Anka At Molokain (Cze Imp). This dog carries the best of coats; it is dense with no undercoat and is a mass of tight, crips curls. He presents a strong and powerful outline and whilst clearly all male he has a touch of elegance about him. He powered round the ring to take BOB.

Dukeries – Best Puppy In Show
Judge: Christine Morgan
RBPIS went to Clack & Eddery’s Curly Coated Retriever, Epsilon Adhara At Molokain. I found her simply enchanting when I judged the breed today. She is well angulated fore and aft, has a deep brisket, and carries a strong and level topline. Her head is typical wedge shaped and she has such a benign expression in her dark, obliquely set eyes.