Curly Comms

Week Ending: 28/04/2024

Retriever (Curly Coated) – Current OurDogs Standings
Top Dog
As at 6 April 2024 – Points calculated from results received from qualifying shows:
Sh Ch Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW, on 6 points
Top Puppy
As at 13 April 2024 – Points calculated from results received from qualifying shows:
Kahawei Catch The Stars Over Stormacre, on 1 point
Kahawei Sea The Stars, on 1 point

Club News

CCRC Winter Open Show, 2 November 2024
Change of Judge
Stephen Bardwell has had to withdraw from judging the show for personal reasons. We wish him well.
The breed judge will now be Karl Gawthorpe.

Champ Shows

West of England Ladies Kennel Association, 25 April 2024
There were 15 dogs making 22 entries for judge Mrs Jenny Millard at WELKS, held at Three Counties Showground, Malvern, and her main winners were:

Best of Breed: Mrs S Brookes, Infallibles Black Crusader at Kelsmere (Imp Nor)
Best Dog: Mrs S Brookes, Infallibles Black Crusader at Kelsmere (Imp Nor)
Reserve Best Dog: Mr J & Mrs MB Stephens, Ravenho Looks Like Trouble for Brightmeadow
Best Bitch: Mrs S & Mr H Parker-Miles, Overbore’s Ace of Hearts
Reserve Best Bitch: Mrs AL Moskowitz, Ravenho Mochara Cadeaux
Best Puppy: Mr J & Mrs MB Stephens, Brightmeadow Rumour Has It, Puppy Group 2

Full results are available here on the Show Results Page.

Also to note at WELKS
Petcetera Etc. Veteran Stakes (Gundog)
Judge: Frank Kane
Veteran Stakes (32 entries, 0 abs)
2nd 634 – Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW ShCM, Breed: Retriever (Curly Coated) (Mr J & Mrs M B Stephens)

Adult Handling Classes (Gundog)
Judge: Lilly O’Brien
Class 454. 46 – 59 years
Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1st Nina Parker-Miles

Open Show Results

Kirkintilloch, Lenzie & District Canine Society, 28 April 2024
Judge: Petra Wred (Gillbryan)
AVNSC Gundog
2 Mr L & Mr M Bain, Crimblescurl Time To Tango At Wenichones JW

West Lothian Canine Society, 28 April 2024
Leslie & Blue – Crimblescurl Time To Tango At Wenchones JW were also shortlisted in a large AVNSC Gundog Open Class under judge, Sandra Stevenson (Steelriver).


Birtley & District Canine Society, 13 April 2024
Judge: Tom Mather (Barklots)
1 Firecurl Excalibur. Best Puppy. A well grown, handsome youngster, good head planes and pleasing eye. Kind expression. Ribbed well back with good depth of chest. Good coat. Moved well with an easy action.
2 Crimblescurl Dancing Queen. Very typical and feminine. Good head proportions with parallel planes. Deep brisket. Good topline and tailset.
Post Graduate
1 Rowancurl Pullman Porter. Masculine with a pleasing head, failry large, well set eyes which could be darker for perfection. Excellent body and ribbing. Moved soundly and shown in first class coat.
2 Crimblescurl Wildotter. Feminine with a lovely gentle expression and temperament to match. Well ribbed with some strength over the loins. Free moving but could have a tad more drive. Rather in-between coats today.
1 Crimblescurl Cherry. BOB. Mature and presents a very pleasing overall picture ass she is well balanced and shows to good advantage. Good breadth and depth of chest, Well ribbed with strong topline. Free moving and sound.

East Anglian Gundog, 29 March 2024
Judge: Denyse Whitehead (Foxriever)
I am most grateful to and would like to thank both the organisers and the committee for the invitation to judge at this fantastic and friendly show. Thank you also to the exhibitors for my entries and bringing their lovely dogs for me to go over and for your graciousness with my placings, as usual there were some difficult decisions and I wished I had more first place cards! We were blessed with sunshine which helped raise the spirits.
Puppy 2(0)
Two super puppies with excellent construction; I particularly enjoyed their exuberance and enthusiasm. In my opinion it is so very important to encourage enjoyment of the show ring at this stage if a “show statue” is to be avoided. Both owners/handlers have this balance just right.
1. Mercer & Thomas’s Kahawei Catch The Stars over Stormacre – 11monthold upstanding black bitch with everything in the right place. The best of heads, correct wedge shape, good eye shape and colour, correct ear set. Regal neck into well laid shoulders giving that look of elegance so important for the breed, corresponding angle and length to upper arm. Good spring of rib and short-coupled. To my eye, I would have preferred more rear angulation, however she has plenty of time to grow yet and this may well change. Excellent abundant and tight curly coat for her age. Standing on the best of legs and super feet. Moved out well with reach and drive. Reserve BOB.
2. Mercer & Thomas’s Milky Way Soul Israel for Stormacre – What a bundle of fun this super young boy is. At 9 months slightly smaller than the class winner but has all the same attributes. Splitting hairs, he has not quite got the elegance of his kennel mate, but I just loved his outgoing personality and his clear joy of being in the show ring. A super puppy and one to watch for the future as he develops.
Junior 2(0)
1. James’s Kahawei Sea The Stars – My find of the day! Litter brother to Puppy class winner. Super elegant and upstanding mature liver boy of only 11 months. Lots to like! Super head of the correct shape and angles. Good eye shape, he has a slightly light eye at this point, but this will darken in time, correct ear set. Super front with strong well laid-back shoulders and correct angle and corresponding length of upper arm. Strong body with nicely developing spring of rib and short-coupled, all well-muscled. Super rear quarters with strength in both first and second thighs, the hocks were well let down with strong rear pasterns. Abundant tight curly coat and a very dark liver colour completes the picture. On the stack he is so classic in outline. Always the one to beat today as he powered around the ring with his clever handler. Best Puppy and Best of Breed.
2. Mercer & Thomas’s Milky Way Soul Israel for Stormacre – Repeat
Postgraduate 3(1)
1. James’s Kahawei Sea The Stars – Repeat
2. Sutton’s Hopeall and AATs Bud Spencer (IMP GER) DEU JCH – Another super black boy who I have judged before. He is now 3 years old and like a fine wine is maturing with grace and style. When stood correctly he has a super front with strong well-laid shoulders and corresponding length of upper arm. He has a wonderfully thick coat of tight black curls. Super topline, strong core and short-coupled. Very nice rear angulation, the best of the day. Standing on well boned legs and super tight feet. He moved well with reach and drive however on the stack I did not feel that he showed himself to advantage today, losing out to the mature puppy, but one to watch for the future as I feel sure he is a late developer and has much to look forward to.
Open 2(1)
1. Sutton’s Kelsmere Kaddington – Super 7-year-old black boy who pushed hard for top honours. He has a super outline when stood correctly, however he was a bit fidgety today which unfortunately detracted from his overall look. Hands-on he has a very nice front full of strength. A nicely well-laid shoulder and corresponding upper arm. Slightly longer cast than my winner, but good spring of rib and short-coupled. His rear is well angulated, and he was stretching himself right out on the stack; for balance he needed to be less stretched overall. Unfortunately, just not his day today but he is a super fit boy and my steward fell in love with him.

Tayside, Lochee & District Canine Club, 17 February 2024
Judge: Frances Carlton (Thistlegate)
AVNSC Gundog – Open
1 Bain’s Crimblescurl Time To Tango At Wenichones JW Retriever (Curly Coated) Black B in good coat with tight curls. Good length of neck, deep chest. Moved steadily. Preferred the Clumber’s movement for Best NSC.

Coventry Ladies Kennel Association, 1 January 2024
Judge: Karl Gawthorpe
AVNSC Gundog:
Post Graduate D/B 2 (1 ab)
1st Clack’s Molokain Hocus Pocus (Curly Coat) Black bitch with a strongest head and expression, correct coat texture and placing, firm neck into good front, correct topline, nice depth to her chest, nice turn of stifle, moved well.
Open D/B 8 (6 abs)
1st BAVNSC & Gundog Group 1
Clack’s Bazzy Inti Anka At Molokain (Imp CZE) (Curly Coat) This upstanding male caught my eye when he walked into the ring and didn’t disappoint when I got my hands on him, masculine head and expression but without being overdone in any way, correct eye colour and shape, firm neck flowing very nicely into well placed shoulders, a good depth of chest and correct spring of ribs, firm correct topline and tail set, correct rear angles and with a good second thigh, moved with drive and ease around the ring, carrying the correct coat and texture.

Land O’Burns Canine Club, 3 December 2023
Judge: Mrs S Margerison (Kandrelli)
AVNSC Gundog
Open (8, 1a)
2 Cummings, Molokain Enchanted One, 4yr old upstanding girl, typical head of good proportions with level planes & kind dark eye with a soft feminine expression, correct earset & dentition, tidy throat & neck into clean shoulders, well angulated front & rear, straight front with deep chest & spring of rib, slight tuck up, strong topline & tailset, muscled 2nd thigh, neat feet & sturdy bone throughout, in great coat & well presented, moved steadily & pushed 1 hard.

Mid Herts Gundog Club, 20 October 2023
Judge: Graham Erving
I would like to thank the exhibitors for their entries.
SP Y (3,1a)
1 Boorman & Brown’s Kahawei Star Chatcher D. Black, six month old dog puppy. Dark brown, large oval shaped eyes. Well balanced one piece head. Strong neck, slightly arched with a good transition into well laid back shoulders. Good quality bone, straight front with a good depth of chest. Moderate turn of stifle, moved well around the ring. Pleased to award him the Reserve Best of Breed and Best Puppy.
2 Sutton, Whitehead & Whitehead’s Fox Riever Grey Ghost D. A Fourteen month old dog, mature for it’s age. Balanced head and strong moderate length of neck. Level topline held on the move. Lacked the drive of my first place.
O (2,1a)
1 Sutton’s Kelsmere Kaddington D. Full of breed type, well balanced and a good example of the breed. Covered the ring with ease because of its good angulation front and aft. Effortless, powerful gait. Well developed second thighs enabled the necessary rear drive coupled with a good front extension. Was pleased to award him my Best of Breed.