Curly Comms
Country Life Working Curly Article
We hope you caught the Country Life Magazine article on the Return of the Working Curly. You can read it here if you missed it. For those who don’t know, it’s Jeanette Findlow’s ‘Louise’ Roughyeds Rita Tanner, in the main photograph.
We are again grateful to Country Life for allowing us to publish it.
Don’t forget….
CCRC Open Show & AGM, 24 February 2024
The Open Show is open for entries.
This year we have a new venue….. The Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh Park, Stoneleigh, Kenilworth, CV8 2LZ.
Show opens 10.00am, AGM starts 10.30am, and judging starts 11.30am
Our judge this year is breed specialist, Heather Barber (Blanshard)
Online entries can be made up until midnight on 11 February 2024. Please note there will be no extensions.
Manchester Championship Show, 21 January 2024
Manchester is the first Championship Show of the new year, and it was a great entry for judge, Mrs Liz Harper. 67 Dogs, making 84 entries, made their way to Stafford. It was great to see so many people & Curlies there, especially all the puppies. It was quite a long day as we were second in the ring after 111 Hungarian Vizslas, and when Best of Breed was announced, Maggie & Fable had to make a dash to the ring where the Gundog Group was being judged, as it had already started.
The winter weather was a bit of a challenge for some on the way home with some road closures causing delays, and some people choosing to stay over rather than risking their journey in heavy rain and very strong winds. Still it was a still great day, and well that’s dog showing.
Liz Harper’s main winners were:
Best of Breed: Mr & Mrs J & M B Stephens, Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW
Dog CC: Mrs Nina Parker-Miles, Tengore Mr Moonlight
Reserve Dog CC: Miss Jill Stubbs Brightmeadow Take Your Time At Densdale
Bitch CC: Mr & Mrs J & M B Stephens, Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW
Reserve Bitch CC: Miss D Courtier, Maycourt Take Me To The Top
Best Puppy: Miss C Mercer & Miss LA Thomas, Kahawei Catch The Stars Over Stormacre
Best Veteran: Mrs Sandra Mistlin, Maycourt Starman By Crookwood Sh.CM
Best Special Beginner: Mr & Mrs Stephen & Elaine Clack, Molokain Hocus Pocus
Maggie & Jerry’s ‘Fable’ winning her 3rd CC and cementing her title already gained through new route of 2 CCs & 5 RCCs.
Nina’s ‘Bern’ winning his 2nd CC.
The full results can be found here on the Show Results page
Also to Note at Manchester
Birdbrook Junior Stakes (Day 4) 31 entries, 19 absent
Judge:Mrs Anne Macdonald
3rd: BARBER, Mrs Heather S. & BARBER, Miss Beatrix & BARBER, Miss Harriette Tonispada Vuori Vincent By Blanshard
Kennel Club Breeders Competition (Day 4) 7 entries, 0 absent
Judge: Mrs J Peak
1st: Moskowitz – Curly Coated Ret
The Young Kennel Club Stakes G (Day 4) 13 entries, 5 absent
Judge: Mrs J Peak
Res: CLACK, Mr&Mrs Stephen & Elaine & EDDERY, Mr Edward Epsilon Adhara At Molokain
Congratulations everyone!
KC Good Citizen Award Achievements
Congratulations to Ethan-James Emery & Murdoch, Foxriever Midsummer Magic At Thunderguard, on achieving the Bronze Good Citizen Award. Ethan & Murdoch actually did the assessment at Manchester Champ Show – well done!
Gundog Breeds Association Of Scotland, 11 November 2023
Richard Stafford’s critique is now available here on the Show Results page.
Coventry & District Gundog Society, 3 December 2023
Judge: Mr Cameron Stokes
P (2)
1 James, Kahawei Sea The Stars, 7 month old dog. Nice puppy with a lovely head and expression. Good length of neck flowing into well laid back shoulders. Good depth in chest. Carried a strong top line on the move. Well angulated hind quarters. Moved well. BP & RBOB.
2 Mercer & Thomas Kahawei Catch The Stars Over Stormacre, 7 month old bitch. Nice feminine head and expression. Good shape when stacked. Pleasing length in neck into well laid shoulders. Short coupled loin. Moved well.
J (1)
1 Sutton & Whitehead & Whiteheads’ Foxriever Grey Ghost, 15 month old dog. Nice head with a good bite. Pleasing expression flowing into well laid shoulders. Good depth in chest. Well-muscled dog. Moved ok and kept a well-balanced top line.
PG (4,2a)
1 Clacks’ Molokain Hocus Pocus, 16 month old bitch. Nice feminine head and expression. Lovely shape when stacked. Nice length in neck. Good depth in chest. Carried a level topline. Moderate stifle. Moved ok.
2 Sutton & Whitehead & Whiteheads’ Foxriever Grey Ghost as above
1 Clacks’ Bazzy Inti Anka at Molokain(IMP CZE), 4 year old dog. Presented well in the ring. Lovely shape when stacked. Pleasing head and expression. Nice length in neck flowing into well laid back shoulders. Good depth in chest with well sprung ribs. Well-muscled. Held good top line on the move. Moved well. BOB.
2 Suttons’ Hopeall And Aat’s Bud Spencer(IMP GER) Deu Jun Ch, 3 year old dog. Good proportions, masculine head. Well sprung ribs with good rear angulation. Well balanced top line. Moved ok.
Goyt Valley Gundog Society, 14 January 2024
Judge: Helen Sutton
1st Disley’s Firecurl Redwing 6mths and a lot to like about her wedge shaped head in both profiles and in proportion to her size slight stop skull of equal length to fore face large dark oval eyes small ears set slightly above level of eye strong jaw slight arch to neck of moderate length and with some muscle flowing into well laid back shoulder visible forechest straight front nice depth of chest and ribs well sprung with oval shape extending well back to strong short loin slight tuck up moderate turn of stifle with muscle to both thighs hocks low set moved with an easy stride BP.
PG. 5(2a)
1st Dooley’s Rowancurl Pullman Porter nice looking male of quality lovely wedged head fore face and skull of equal lengths slight stop large dark eyes of oval shape ears lying close to head small and set slightly above level of eye strong jaw with scissor bite clean strong medium length of neck with slight arch flowing to muscular shoulders that are well laid back straight front ribs well sprung that extend well back into short deep muscular loin chest of depth slight tuck up level muscular top line moderate bend of stifle well muscled thighs hocks low set powerful rear drive with front extension BOB.
2nd Green’s Ravenho Comradai Cymro heavier in head but not over done large oval eyes dark in colour ear set correct strong medium length of not well laid shoulders fore chest straight front deep in chest ribs well sprung short backed to deep short loin strong over croup well muscled thighs nice bend of stifle low hocks easy even ground covering stride.
3rd Emery’s Foxriever Midsummer Magic At Thunderguard I had to mention this young male he was so nervous and insecure it was difficult for me to assess but with patience gentle touch and soft kind words I was able to win him over and he began to settle overall he has quality lovely head typically male dark oval eyes correct ear set muscular neck of moderate length flowing into a well laid shoulder has depth of chest ribs well back and nicely sprung slight tuck up deep in loin strong over loin and croup moderate bend of stifle carrying muscle to both thighs hocks set low. He will improve with his owners persistence and Judges who have patience and empathy.