Curly Comms

Week Ending: 20/08/2023

This week following Tarzan winning his 43rd CC at Welsh Kennel, we took the opportunity to ask about the background to the Brightmeadow affix.

Maggie told us:
We had tried for a few and had been turned down for one reason or another, so now for the mad bit…. I have always loved the MONET painting, poppy field (meadow) and our paddock is full of buttercups so somehow we came up with Brightmeadow. Nothing behind it, just happened….

Just loving learning about the affixes.

Club News

Cheshire Game & Country Fair, 27 & 28 August 2023
If you’re out and about over the Bank Holiday weekend, why not come and see Curly Coated Retrievers in The World of Dogs, at Cheshire Game & Country Fair, Knutsford, WA16 0HJ.

Curly Coated Retriever Club Breed Appreciation Day
, 23 September 2023
If you have already registered an interest in the Breed Appreciation Day, being held by the club at Chelford Village Hall, Knutsford Road, Chelford, Macclesfield, SK11 9AS, then the booking form and itinerary have this week been emailed out by Breed Education Co-ordinator, Caron Chattwood. Please can we ask you to get your completed forms back to Caron as soon as you can, and if you have any queries please contact her at email address

Champ Shows

Welsh Kennel Club, 20 August 2023
Judge: Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig)
Nice entry for judge, Mrs Jenny Miller, at Welsh Kennel Club on Sunday, 23 dogs making 22 entries, all travelling to Wales for the day. Curlies were judged indoors.

Jenny Miller’s winners were:

Best of Breed : Mr & Mrs J & M B Stephens, Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW Sh.CM
Dog CC : Mr & Mrs J & M B Stephens, Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW Sh.CM
Reserve Dog CC : Mrs Margaret Edworthy, Maycourt Heartbreaker
Bitch CC : Miss D Courtier, Maycourt Stairway To Heaven JW
Reserve Bitch CC : Mr & Mrs J & M B Stephens, Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW
Best Puppy : Miss D Courtier, Maycourt Take Me To The Top
Best Veteran : Mrs Sandra Mistlin, Maycourt Starman By Crookwood Sh.CM

Tarzan – Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW Sh.CM, took his 43rd CC, Best of Breed, and was then shortlisted in the Gundog Group. His pups also won the BCC, RDCC, RBCC & BPIB – quite a day for the young man….

Dolly – Sh Ch Maycourt Stairway To Heaven JW, won her 4th CC. Always nice to get that 4th one, after being made up to a Show Champion.
Congratulations everyone!

All the results can be found here on the Show Results page.

Driffield Championship Dog Show, 25 to 28 August 2023
The entries have been announced for Judge, David Bell, 35 dogs making 41 entries.

City of Birmingham Championship Show, 31 August to 3 September 2023
The entries have been announced for Judge, Mrs J Bayne, 44 dogs making 48 entries.

Good luck everyone!

Open Show Results

Kirkcaldy & District Canine Society, 19 August 2023
Judge: Catherine McShane (Rigerin)
Open (sponsered by Mr L Bain)
1 Mr L Bain & Mr M Bain, Crimblescurl Time To tango At Wenichones JW, & BOB
2 Mrs J Cummings, Molokain Enchanted One


Hoopers Competition, CAST Dog Training, 20 August 2023
Shirley Buchanan & May, Fleetpaw First Lady, were out and about on Sunday taking part in a Hoopers Competition, and despite Shirley’s bad knee, they did really well.
The results were:
One course elimination
One course with 5 faults
One course clear round in Starters Touch ‘n’ Go
The last two courses were clear rounds and a lovely third place

Fete & Fun Dog Show, Godolphin House, 20 August 2023
Jo Mckenzie and her gang had a great day on Sunday taking part in the Fun Dog Show.
Tuppence, Firecurl Pop Goes The Weasel At Beddgelert was 2nd in class, The Dog The Judge Would Like To Take Home. Lola the Lab was 3rd.
Tresco, Ravenho Toulouse Latresco At Beddgelert was 2nd in class, The Prettiest Female Dog

The Working Curly

Simulated Shoot Day
Bea Barber & Giles, Sh Ch Foxriever Picture Perfect For Blanshard, have been out training on a Simulated Shoot Day near Windermere. Well done both of you, showing off the dual purpose Curly.

Water Training Day
Gillian Flaher’s Daisy had her second water training day, handled by Sarah, they had a great time and said Daisy was really awesome.

Working Gundog Certificate Assessment Day
CCRC Working Co-ordinator, Lesley Eden, has shared that the Midland Golden Retriever Club is holding a Working Gundog Certificate assessment day on dummies, on Sunday 15 October 2023, at Laurence’s Woods, Aston, Cantalow, Warwickshire, B49 6NA. Members £30, Non-members £40. The contact name is Lucy Jenkins WTS, but please check out The Working Curly Coated Retriever FB page or contact Lesley Eden for more details.

Minority Breeds Working Test at The Game Fair, Sunday 30 July 2023
This week Judy Hempstead of Working Minority Retriever Club, reported the final results from the Minority Breeds Team Challenge at The Game Fair.
The Irish Water Spaniels and Clumber Spaniels took the top slots in the two sessions ran on the day by the Working Minority Retriever Club, and the final points were as follows:
Morning Session:
1 Irish Water Spaniels – 310 points
2 Chesapeake Bay Retrievers – 263 points
3 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers -225 points
4 Curly Coated Retrievers – 215 points

Afternoon Session:
1 Clumber Spaniels – 219 points
2 Welsh Springer Spaniels – 161 points
3 Lagotta Romagnolos – 155 points


Curly Coated Retriever Club Championship Show, 8 July 2023
Colin MacKay’s critique is now available here on the Show Results Page.
Unfortunately the critique contains some errors, please note the results detailed above the critique are correct.