Curly Comms

Week Ending: 17/09/2023

The Curly World has two new Show Champions after judging at Darlington on Friday! (Subject to RKC approval) That makes a total of five so far in 2023.
Huge Congratulations!

Mary & Keith Solomon’s, ‘Thomas’ will now be known as Sh Ch Foxriever Mystic Marvel At Elkysar. Thomas gained his first CC at Bath in 2022, then the second at URC this year.
We asked about the origins of both the Elkysar and Foxriever affixes and were told….

Elkysar, Is a breakdown of the names of three dogs owned by Mary & Keith Solomon at the time. EL was Elsa, KY was actually called KY, and SA was Sarah…. So Elkysar!’

Foxriever, Denyse Whitehead told us, ‘It’s easy to explain… Our first home had a family of foxes who used to play in the front garden and I adored them. Luckily we have some in our current garden too. RIEVER is part of Retriever as we had both Curlys and Goldens at that time so it didn’t seem right to go with one or the other. So Foxriever!’

Cathrine Mercer & Louise Thomas’ ‘Dion’ will now be known as Sh Ch Tyneside’s My Heart Will Go On To Stormacre JW (Imp USA). We understand Dion is the first American bred Curly to become an English Show Champion. We send congratulations also to breeders Victor Hewer & Clark Hale in Florida, USA.

Club News

CCRC Winter Open Show & Obedience, 5 November 2023
Entries are now open on Fosse Data for the CCRC Winter Open Show and Obedience being held on Sunday 5 November 2023 at Tomlinson’s Canine Centre, Markfield, Leicester.

Open Show Judge – Breed Specialist Jerry Stephens (Brightmeadow)
Obedience Judge – Linda Wild
Entries close at Midnight on Sunday 22 October 2023 and there will be no extentions for this show.

Curly Coated Retriever Club Fun Training Day, 15 October 2023
The Curly Club is holding a Fun Training Day, taking place on the 15 October 2023, at CAST Dog Training, Leeming Bar, North Yorkshire, DL7 0RN.

The workshops available are Agility, Brain Games, and either Hoopers or Rally. If you are interested please contact Jo Clayton and tell her which training you would prefer. The cost will be £20 per dog & handler. Don’t miss out, book now ensure your place – hope to see you there…
There’s also overnight camping available, with basic facilites.

Curly Coated Retriever Club Breed Appreciation Day, 23 September 2023
This is the last few days before the CCRC BAD, for all you aspiring Curly judges. The Breed Appreciation Day is being held at Chelford Village Hall, Knutsford Road, Chelford, Macclesfield, SK11 9AS. If you have any last minute queries please contact CCRC Breed Education Co-ordinator, Caron Chattwood, at her email address

Champ Shows

Darlington Dog Show Society Championship Show, 15 September 2023
Judge: Mrs Liz Lacey (Fleetpaw)
On Friday, 24 dogs making 23 entries, headed to Ripon Racecourse, North Yorkshire, for Darlington Champ Show, judged by breed specialist Liz Lacey.

Liz Lacey’s main winners were:

Best of Breed: Mrs Mary & Mr Keith Solomon, Foxriever Mystic Marvel At Elkysar
Dog CC: Mrs Mary & Mr Keith Solomon, Foxriever Mystic Marvel At Elkysar
Res Dog CC: Mrs Helen Hodson, Rowancurl Gentle Gaelor
Bitch CC: Miss Cathrine Mercer & Miss Louise Thomas, Tyneside’s My Heart Will Go On To Stormacre (Imp USA)
Res Bitch CC: Mr Nigel & Mrs Sandra Spraggins, Tusepo Amazing Love
Best Puppy: Mrs Heather Barber, Miss Beatrix Barber, & Miss Harriott Barber, Tonispada Vuori Vincent By Blanshard
Best Veteran: Mrs Denyse & Mr Andrew Whitehead, Sh Ch Kelsmere Kamana For Foxriever Sh.CM

Mary & Keith Solomon’s Thomas – Foxriever Mystic Marvel At Elkysar, and Cathrine Mercer & Louise Thomas’ Dion – Tyneside’s My Heart Will Go On To Stormacre (Imp USA) both won their 3rd and crowning CCs, making them up to Show Champions.

Huge Congratulations everyone! The full results can be found here on the Show Results page.

Also To Note At Darlington:
Junior Stakes
Judge: Mr G R Haran
Class 732 AVJD/B G/To (37 Entries) Abs: 10
3rd: 641 FINCH, Ms Sarah Molokain Doing The Do At Cetgueli

Kennel Club Breeders Competition – Gundog
Judge: Ms M Waddell
Class 750T Breeder Gundog (12 Entries) Abs: 0
Res: Moskowitz – Curly Coated Retriever

Post Graduate Stakes
Judge: Mrs P Hollings
Class 735 AVPGD G/To (15 Entries) Abs: 5
3rd: 641 FINCH, Ms Sarah Molokain Doing The Do At Cetgueli


Good Citizen Award Achievements
Congratulations to Jackie Evans & Lexi, Rowancurl Beachcomber, on achieving the Silver Good Citizen Award. Lexi actually passed the test on Wednesday 12 Sept, Jackie was thrilled, she said Lexi was so steady. She also said that Lexi was starting her training for her Gold award the very next day…
Well done Lexi & good luck!

The Working Curly
A number of Curly people have been out Gundog Training this week…. And it’s great to see!
– Gill Boorman & Austin and Gillian Flaher & Sam look like they had a great day at Cwnsaethu Gundog Training.

– The Roughyeds puppies have started their training, with training to the whistle, recall & stop, steadiness, some short retrieves, and venturing into water… Jeanette & Marion, Tori & Mole, Beverley & Olive, Karen & Gunner, have all made a great start at just four and a half months old.

– Jackie Evans has been out training with her Curly girls, Keita & Lexi.

– Nina Parker-Miles spent a lovely day out, dummy throwing, at the Working Minority Retriever Club Test, organised by Judy Hempstead and held at Crouch Farm. Nina said no Curlies were competing but Chessies, Flatties, and IWS were put through their paces. Nina thoroughly recommends this club if you have an interest in the working Curly. They were a very welcoming group and Nina learnt so much from the judges and made some new friends, not least the gorgeous curly pup Olive with Beverley Snudden. Nina was also gifted some goodies, some treats and a lead, for helping out.

Flying the Curly Flag
Jeanette, Alan & Marion also visited a Lurcher & Terrier Show at the weekend – lots of fun to watch, and lots of fuss for Marion, with lots of people knowing what breed she was too…


Blackpool Championship Show, 24 June 2023
Richard Morris’ critique is now available here on the Show Results page.