Curly Comms
Welcome to this week’s Curly Comms and we start with some exciting news…..
Our very own CCRC Chairman & Breed Specialist Judge, Nigel Spraggins, has been invited to judge the Finland Curly Coated Retriever Club Championship Show in 2024. What an absolute honour to judge internationally, congratulations Nigel.
Curly Coated Retriever Club Fun Training Day, 15 October 2023
The Curly Club is pleased to announce it’s holding a Fun Training Day, taking place on the 15 October 2023, at CAST Dog Training, Leeming Bar, North Yorkshire, DL7 0RN.
The workshops available are Agility, Brain Games, and either Hoopers or Rally. If you are interested please contact Jo Clayton and tell her which training you would prefer. The cost will be £20 per dog & handler. Book early to ensure your place.
There’s also overnight camping available, with basic facilites.
So come along and get involved… Hope to see you there….
Curly Coated Retriever Club Breed Appreciation Day, 23 September 2023
Don’t forget we are hurtling at speed towards the CCRC BAD, for all you aspiring Curly judges. If you have already registered an interest in the Breed Appreciation Day, being held at Chelford Village Hall, Knutsford Road, Chelford, Macclesfield, SK11 9AS, then the booking form and itinerary have been emailed out by Breed Education Co-ordinator, Caron Chattwood. Please can we ask you to get your completed forms back to Caron as soon as you can, and if you have any queries please contact her at email address
CCRC Statement, 6 September 2023
This week the CCRC issued the following statement:
In response to queries received the Club wishes to make it clear that The Curly Coated Retriever Association of Great Britain is in no way related to the Curly Coated Retriever Club (CCRC), it is neither affiliated to nor sponsored by CCRC.
The Curly Coated Retriever Club is the only club for the breed registered by the Royal Kennel Club.
Richmond Championship Show, 8 September 2023
Judge: Dr Ruth Barbour
This week there were 35 dogs making 34 entries, for Dr Ruth Barbour, at Richmond. There was a taste of summer on what was a very hot day at Loseley Park.
The main winners were:
Best of Breed : Mrs Fiona & Miss Chimene Carrick, Tessmene The Cats Whiskers
Dog CC : Mrs Margaret Edworthy, Maycourt Heartbreaker
Res Dog CC : Mrs Nina Parker-Miles, Tengore Mr Moonlight
Bitch CC : Mrs Fiona & Miss Chimene Carrick, Tessmene The Cats Whiskers
Res Bitch CC : Mrs Fiona & Miss Chimene Carrick, Tessmene Tickety Boo
Best Puppy : Miss D Courtier, Maycourt Take Me To The Top
Best Veteran : Mrs Sandra Mistlin, Maycourt Starman By Crookwood Sh.CM
Best Special Beginner : Ms Penny Janks, Tessmene Tea For Two At Beauport
Margaret Edworthy’s Yogi – Maycourt Heartbreaker won his first CC.
Fiona & Chimene Carrick’s Puss – Sh Ch Tessmene The Cats Whiskers won her 5th CC, and Nancy, Tessmene Tickety Boo won the RBCC, gaining her Stud Book Number.
Huge Congratulations everyone. The full rsults can be found here.
After the judging there was a celebration with Prosecco and cakes for Pussy & Austin to celebrate the two new Tessmene Show Champions, the wonderful few weeks the Tessmene ladies have had, and also to mark the end of their season as they are now taking a break. It was such a lovely day, with a lovely atmosphere, even the judge Dr Ruth Barbour joined the group briefly, and commented what a friendly bunch….
Liskeard & District Canine Association, 2 September 2023
Judge: Leah Pulerston (Shanulees)
Post Graduate
1 Miss Di Courtier, Maycourt Take Me To The Top & BP
2 Miss Di Courtier, Maycourt Cover Shot
1 Mrs Margaret Edworthy, Maycourt Heartbreaker & BOB
Lothian Canine Club, 9 September 2023
Judge: Mrs Wendy Pickup (Blenstone)
2 Mrs Jean Cummings, Molokain Enchanted One
North Devon Canine Association, 9 September 2023
Judge: Sarah McLellan
Post Graduate
1 Miss Di Courtier, Maycourt Take Me To The Top, BP & RBOB. Also Gundog Puppy Group 4 under group judge Dennis McLellen.
2 Miss Di Courtier, Maycourt Cover Shot
1 Mrs Margaret Edworthy Maycourt Heartbreaker & BOB
Hamilton Canine Club, 10 September 2023
Judge: Howard Ogden (Beauview)
4 Mrs Jean Cummings, Molokain Enchanted One
North East Dog Fest, 9 September 2023
Shirley Buchanan & May have been out again this weekend. They did the scurry and hunt at the North East Dog Fest on the Saturday. Shirley said May was a bit distracted by the plastic decoys on the hunt and the water but did retrieve all the dummies eventually.
Durham Dogs Hoopers, 10 September 2023
Shirley & May also took part in Durham Dogs Hoopers, unfortunately the weather had turned and the rain had arrived. Shirley said they had two eliminations and one clear round. By then the ground was getting a bit slippy with the rain, but they managed to still do the last round, unfortunately it was another elimination. Shirley felt that May just wasn’t in a ‘Hoopers frame of mind’, but she was still very happy with herself, so they had enjoyed the day despite the weather.
Well done Shirley & May
If you have any news or details of any activities you and your Curly have taken part in, don’t hesitate to let us know and we’ll include it in Curly Comms.
Also if you have any achievements or results to include on the CCRC website, again please let us know.
Please email
Thanks again
See you soon…..