Richmond Championship Show

8 September 2023

Judge: Dr Ruth Barbour

Best of Breed:
937 CARRICK, Mrs Fiona & CARRICK, Miss Chimene Tessmene The Cats Whiskers
Dog CC:
946 EDWORTHY, Mrs Margaret Maycourt Heartbreaker
Reserve Dog CC:
957 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina Tengore Mr Moonlight
Bitch CC:
937 CARRICK, Mrs Fiona & CARRICK, Miss Chimene Tessmene The Cats Whiskers
Reserve Bitch CC:
938 CARRICK, Mrs Fiona & CARRICK, Miss Chimene Tessmene Tickety Boo
Best Puppy:
944 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Take Me To The Top
Best Veteran:
956 MISTLIN, Mrs Sandra Maycourt Starman By Crookwood Sh.CM
Best Special Beginner:
952 JANKS, Ms Penny Tessmene Tea For Two At Beauport

Class 477 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 956 MISTLIN, Mrs Sandra Maycourt Starman By Crookwood Sh.CM


Class 479 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 2

Class 480 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 936 BRENDON, Ms Jude Tessmene Tornados Trail
2nd: 953 JANKS, Ms Penny Tessmene Tempest Sky At Beauport

Class 481 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 965 TARELLI, Mr R M & Mrs W Firecurl Some Like It Hot At Tarockwood (ai)
2nd: 949 FLAHER, Ms Gillian & RICHARDS, Mr Raymond Tessmene Top Notch By Kagemusha
3rd: 942 CLAYTON, Miss Alycia Lizallwood Mr Bojangles JW
Res: 940 CLACK, Mr & Mrs Stephen & Elaine Bazzy Inti Anka At Molokain (Cze Imp)

Class 482 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 946 EDWORTHY, Mrs Margaret Maycourt Heartbreaker
2nd: 957 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina Tengore Mr Moonlight
3rd: 964 TARELLI, Mr R M & Mrs W Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda At Tarockwood (Imp
Res: 935 BOORMAN, Miss Gill Sh Ch Tessmene Talk Of The Town


Class 484 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 941 CLACK, Mr & Mrs Stephen & Elaine Molokain Ilusia

Class 485 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 944 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Take Me To The Top
2nd: 960 PERKINS, Mr B J & Mrs S M Maycourt Miss Sweetness At Tengore
3rd: 943 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Cover Shot

Class 486 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 938 CARRICK, Mrs Fiona & CARRICK, Miss Chimene Tessmene Tickety Boo
2nd: 963 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW
3rd: 950 FLAHER, Ms Gillian & RICHARDS, Mr Raymond Tessmene Icing On The Cake By Kagemusha
Res: 939 CLACK, Mr & Mrs Stephen & Elaine Molokain Hocus Pocus

Class 487 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 958 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina & PARKER-MILES, Master Henry Overbore’s Ace Of Hearts (AY1)
2nd: 952 JANKS, Ms Penny Tessmene Tea For Two At Beauport

Class 488 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 959 PERKINS, Mr B J & Mrs S M Tengore Ruby Tuesday

Class 489 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 937 CARRICK, Mrs Fiona & CARRICK, Miss Chimene Tessmene The Cats Whiskers
2nd: 962 SPRAGGINS, Mr Nigel & SPRAGGINS, Mrs Sandra Tusepo Amazing Love
3rd: 955 MERCER, Miss C & THOMAS, Miss LA Tyneside’s My Heart Will Go On To Stormacre (Imp USA)

Class 490 SBB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 952 JANKS, Ms Penny Tessmene Tea For Two At Beauport

Judge’s Critique:
Unfortunately, the scheduled judge, Mick Howes, was unable to fulfil his appointment and I substituted for him. It gave me a chance to judge the breed at an outdoor show. My last appointment was at a noisy indoor show which adversely affected some of the exhibits – the Curly being a much less outgoing dog in temperament than the more popular retriever breeds. This time I was able to go over all the exhibits though a few were generally a little diffident. However, as I’ve been reading my notes, I have been struck how often I’ve made a comment such as ‘apprehensive’. I feel there is a difference between the breed characteristic of being ‘aloof’ and this recent development of not relaxing when being examined. Looking back over the 30+ years I’ve been awarding CCs to this breed I don’t remember so much of a problem as in these last 2 appointments. There were more livers than usual. As usual for the breed some hind action was weak and a few paced. I felt the bitches in general were of a higher quality than the dogs. My thanks to my stewards Julie Gardner and Kay Wills.

VD (1)
1 Mistlin Maycourt Starman By Crookwood Sh.CM. 9 year old liver. Smaller dog but masculine. Typical in profile. head. Overall well balanced in profile. Has the desired moderate turn of stifle. Moved well. Best veteran

PGD (2)
1 Brendon Tessmene Tornados Trail
2 Janks Tessmene Tempest Sky At Beauport. I see that these are litter brothers. I felt the winner had more substance and was happier showing than his liver brother.

LD (5,3)
1 Tarelli Hunters Firecurl Some Like It Hot At Tarockwood Powerful liver dog. Pleasing head. Good depth of brisket. Well-muscled hind quarters.
2 Flaher & Richards Tessmene Top Notch By Kagemusha. A smaller dog. Preferred the winner’s head and outline.
3 Parker-Miles Tengore Mr Moonlight.

OD (4)
1 Edworthy Maycourt Heartbreaker Dog CC winner. Stood out amongst the dogs today for his profile, substance, and strong hindquarters. Powerful dog. Typical head, good front angulation and depth of brisket. Adequate turn of stifle. Moved well.
2 Parker-Miles Tengore Mr Moonlight. Res Dog CC. A smaller dog but soundly made. Excellent coat.
3 Tarelli Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda At Tarockwood (Imp Pol)

VB (2 1)
1 Clack Molokain Ilusia 8 year old. Nice balanced outline. Good coat. Could make more of herself.

PB (3)
1 Courtier Maycourt Take Me To The Top
2 Perkins Maycourt Miss Sweetness At Tengore. My notes say ‘similar type’ and indeed all three are sisters. At 8 months they are still very immature. I preferred the winner because of her better tuck up and her movement. She went onto Best Puppy.
3 Courtier Maycourt Cover Shot.

JB (5 1)
1 Carrick Tessmene Tickety Boo Res CC. Won a tight decision on her balance, elegance, and better movement. Overall good balance, correct topline and good hindquarters with correct moderate turn of stifle. Good grand covering movement. CC to her older full sister.
2 Stephens Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW Attractive typical Curly. Not quite the elegance or movement of the winner.
3 Flaher & Richards Tessmene Icing On The Cake.

GB (4 2)
1 Parker-Miles Overbore Ace Of Hearts (Ay1). Lovely elegant with nice profile. Good neck and forequarters. Good feet, nice coat with tight curl.
2 Janks Tessmene Tea For Two At Beauport A bit hesitant about showing off her virtues. Actually showed better when moving than standing. Typical in outline.

LB (2 1)
1 Perkins Tengore Ruby Tuesday Alone in this class. A lot to like about her. Good balance in profile. Very smooth mover but again a little apprehensive.

OB (3)
1 Carrick Tessmene The Cats Whiskers CC BOB Today’s star. Very typical. Pleasing head and expresson. Good lay of shoulder. Excellent coat. Strong well- muscled hindquarters. Moved well with drive.
2 Spraggins Tusepo Amazing Love. Liver. Very typical curly but not the overall quality of the winner.
3 Mercer & Thomas Tynsides My Heart Will Go On To Stormacre (Imp USA) JW

SBB (1)
1 Janks Tessmene Tea For Two At Beauport. Best Sp Beginner.

Ruth Barbour