Curly Comms

Week Ending: 01/10/2023

Club News

Committee Nominations
Each year there are 4 ‘vacancies’ to be filled as the term of office of 4 of the current Committee members comes to an end and they have to stand for re-election or retire. This year 3 of the Committee reach the end of their term and the fourth space is the vacancy which was not filled.

If a current Committee member wishes to re-stand then they are required to notify the Secretary that they wish to do so. For other members to be nominated they will need to have been a fully paid up member of the Club for not less than three consecutive years. They will need a proposer and seconder to email the Secretary ( with their proposal and the nominated member will need to email the Secretary to confirm that they are willing to stand and supply a biography of up to 250 words that would be sent out with the ballot paper. These emails need to be received by the Secretary by Wednesday 1st November. The proposer and seconder cannot be the members of one family or a registered partnership. Should a ballot be required, that is if there are more than 4 members nominated or re-standing then this will be a postal ballot as laid out in the Club rules. To be able to vote in an election someone needs to have completed at least one year as a member.

For those considering election to the Committee: the Committee meets on average four times per year via Zoom, generally a midweek evening; it is expected that all Committee members are available to help at our three shows through the year and any other large scale events the Club hosts e.g. Fun Day / BAD day / Minor Breeds Working Test; for other training events it is not expected that all Committee members will be present; be willing to take on various roles as necessary. (The three Committee members who are re-standing have responsibility for the web-site, yearbook and club shop.)

Champ Shows

The Scottish Kennel Club (October Show), 1 October 2023
Judge: Mr S Atkinson
AV Gundog Not Separately Classified
Class 1303 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3095 DUFF, Miss Gemma Overbore League of Their Own

Class 1309 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3089 BAIN, Mr Leslie & BAIN, Mr Mathew Crimblescurl Time to Tango at Wenichones JW,  & Best Bitch
2nd: 3094 CUMMINGS, Mrs Jean Molokain Enchanted One,  & Reserve Best Bitch

Open Show Results

Cornwall Gundog Club, 30 September 2023
Judge: Vanda Shepperd
Post Graduate
1 Ms D Courtier, Maycourt Take Me To The Top, BP & RBOB
2 Ms D Courtier, Maycourt Cover Shot

1 Mrs M Edworthy, Maycourt Heartbreaker, BOB & Shortlisted in the Group

Veteran Stakes
Judge: Bev Dummett
2 Ms D Courtier, Maycourt Crimson Moon

Aberystwyth & District Canine Society, 1 October 2023
Judge: John Millward (Eldersfield)
Junior D/B
1 Miss S Finch,  Molokain Doing the Do At Cetgueli

Open Dog
1 Miss S Finch, Molokain Doing The Do At Cetgueli

Open Bitch
1 Mr & Mrs J & M B Stephens, Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW, BOB & Gundog Group 1

AV Vulnerable Native Breed
Judge: Bryn Williams (Wyndsmoor)
1 Miss S Finch, Molokain Doing The Do At Cetgueli

Mid-Western Gundog Society, 1 October 2023
Judge: Jennifer Millard (Rubylea)
Elaine Huckle, Foxriever Storm Cloud, BOB


The Working Curly
1 October 2023
Bea Barber & Giles – Sh Ch Foxriever Picture Perfect For Blanshard, were out working in the sunshine on the first partridge day. Well done both of you!


Paignton & District Fanciers Association, 5 August 2023
Nina Parker-Miles’ critique is now available here on the Show Results page.

North Devon Agricultural Show, 2 August 2023
Judge: Carol Moore
Open (4,1)
Such a lovely class of typy dogs, I was not surprised to find out later they were all the same breeding
1 Maycourt Heartbreaker. Mature male, well up to size but all in proportion with a lovely wedge head and bright eye. He has a cracking front assembly with plenty of forechest and depth of rib. Strong muscled quarters gave plenty of drive. Finished off with crisp black curls so dense and tight giving that classic look of the breed. BOB Group 4
2 Maycourt Take Me To The Top This tidy bitch pushed the dog hard but her youth had to give way today. So feminine and correct in head with a clean neck flowing nicely into a balanced front with a good amount of forechest. Strong in topline and firm in coupling. She moved out true with a lovely extension, when she matures and finishes in coat she will certainly be one to watch. BP PG3
3 Maycourt Cover Shot

Whitstable & District Canine Society, 18 June 2023
Judge: Tim Ball (Kaitak)
JD/B (1,0)
1 Richards & Flaher’s Tessmene Icing On The Cake by Kagemusha. 10 mth old liver bitch. This girl pleased for outline with slightly arched neck of moderate length, firm level topline, chest of good depth, ribs extending well back and developing well for age, muscular loin and tail good for length, set and carriage. Feminine headpiece with good proportions, parallel planes, slight stop and scissor bite. Pretty good angles and stands straight in front on excellent feet. Moving true on the down and back and has a decent length of stride. Good quality coat. BOB & Best Puppy.

Poole Canine Club, 21 May 2023
Judge: Chris Mills
1 Tessmene Rock that Look. Lovely shaped puppy needs to tighten in front good coat Nice tight curls good head and expression
1 Edworthy. Maycourt Heartbreaker Very nice up to size black good head and expression good coat moved well for BOB