Welsh Kennel Club 2022
Judge: Mrs Jacqui Ward
Class 223 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 466 MISTLIN, Mrs Sandra Maycourt Starman By Crookwood Sh.CM
Class 226 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 459 DAVIES, Ms Roz & BRADSTOCK, Mr Lee Maycourt Kashmir Con Redanimo
2nd: 461 EDWORTHY, Mrs M Maycourt Heartbreaker
Class 227 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 467 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina Tengore Mr Moonlight
2nd: 469 SOLOMON, Mrs Mary Elizabeth Anne & SOLOMON, Mr Keith Foxriever Mystic Marvel At Elkysar
3rd: 457 CLAYTON, Miss Alycia Lizallwood Mr Bojangles
Class 228 OD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 477 TITLEY, Mr N T & Mrs F M Fleetpaw Wondering Star
2nd: 456 BARBER, Mrs Heather S. & BARBER, Miss Beatrix & BARBER, Miss Harriott Foxriever Picture Perfect For Blanshard
Class 229 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 476 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look Sh.CM
Class 230 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 465 EVANS, Mr & Mrs G & J Rowancurl Beachcomber
Class 231 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 468 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina & PARKER-MILES, Master Henry Overbore’s Ace Of Hearts (AY1)
2nd: 465 EVANS, Mr & Mrs G & J Rowancurl Beachcomber
Class 232 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 458 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Stairway To Heaven JW
2nd: 464 EVANS, Mr & Mrs G & J Kukkasen Keita By Caballus (IMP FIN)
Class 233 LB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 473 SPRAGGINS, Mr Nigel & SPRAGGINS, Mrs Sandra Tusepo Amazing Love
2nd: 464 EVANS, Mr & Mrs G & J Kukkasen Keita By Caballus (IMP FIN)
Class 234 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 471 SPRAGGINS, Mr Nigel & SPRAGGINS, Mrs Sandra Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love At Tusepo
2nd: 475 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Brightmeadow Who’s That Girl
Judge’s Critique
VD (1) 1 Mistlin’s Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh.CM 8½ year old upstanding liver dog, who is strongly made all through, balanced in outline, masculine head of correct shape with pleasing expression. Strong neck into good lay back of shoulder, straight forelegs with good bone and feet. Moved very well at one with handler.
PGD (2) 1 Davies, & Bradstock, Maycourt Kashmir Con Redanimo 2 litter brothers stood here, my winner had the edge as I found him further on in development than his litter brother. He is very striking and balanced in outline and is full of breed type. His head is the typical wedge shape, he has a good eye and super expression. Straight forelegs with excellent bone and tight round feet with well arched toes. Super forequarters, well developed chest, well sprung ribs and firm loin, strong muscular hindquarters which he uses to move effortlessly around the ring displaying excellent reach and drive. He was presented in excellent coat and condition. I could not deny this young man the CC, his first I believe, and it was interesting to see that I have given both his Sire and Dam the CC previously.
2 Edworthy’s Maycourt Heartbreaker This young man is of good breed type and has a lovely balanced outline, he again has a super head and expression, and was presented in excellent coat, he just needs to mature on.
LD (3) 1 Parker-Miles, Tengore Mr Moonlight. 2 year old male of good breed type and plenty of substance, classic wedge shaped head of good proportions and kind expression. Strong clean neck into muscled forequarters, straight forelegs with good bone and feet, well sprung ribs, he is slightly longer in loin and I would prefer a little more angulation behind. Moved sound and true.
2 Solomon, & Solomon, Foxriever Mystic Marvel At Elkysar. Another 2 year old of good breed type, pleasing head into strong neck, not quite the forequarters of the winner, good bone and feet. Well sprung ribs into strong loin, coat of good quality. I found him a little over angulated and he tended to drop his topline. Not as sound on the move as winner.
3 Clayton, Lizallwood Mr Bojangles.
OD (2) 1 Titley, Fleetpaw Wondering Star. 5 year old mature male of excellent breed type, he appeared to be a little unsettled at first but the owner explained why. Pleasing wedge shaped head of correct proportions, dark eye and kind expression. Strong slightly arched neck into good lay of shoulder, strong topline, deep chest, well sprung ribcage. Presented in super coat of small tight crisp curls. RCC.
2 Barber, & Barber, Foxriever Picture Perfect For Blanshard 3 year old masculine liver dog of substance and super balanced outline, pleasing head and expression, I just preferred the head of winner. Strong neck into excellent forequarters, straight forelegs with good bone and feet, deep brisket, elbows tight to the body. Well sprung ribcage with short loin, presented in excellent coat and condition. Moved sound and true.
VB (1) 1 Stephens’ Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look Sh.CM 9 year old young lady who certainly belies her age, she is so full of breed type, super balanced head of good proportions with a lovely expression. Strong muscular neck into good shoulder placement and return of upper arm. She is so fit and muscular throughout yet retains her femininity. Balanced angulation fore and aft. Soundly made all through which showed in her strong and easy movement. BV.
PB (4,3) 1 Evans, Rowancurl Beachcomber 10 month old baby who is still very raw, and was the only puppy present, she was a little timid on first inspection and she was difficult to assess. Pretty head and naughty expression, presented in good coat, she still needs to strengthen in her hindquarters. Very erratic on the move. BP.
JB (3,1) 1 Parker-Miles, & Parker-Miles, Overbore’s Ace Of Hearts What a lovely young lady at just 17 months old she has everything going for her. Excellent overall balance and oozes breed type, very feminine head of correct shape with the gentlest of expressions. Clean strong neck leading to well laid shoulder and return of upper arm. Excels through depth of chest to spring of rib, well made hindquarters with good angulation. Presented in super coat of tight crisp curls. Her young handler really presents her well, both stood and on the move working together in perfect harmony I really could not deny her the RCC.
2 Evans, Rowancurl Beachcomber (Repeat)
PGB (2) 1 Courtier, Maycourt Stairway To Heaven JW At 22 months old this liver bitch is very feminine all through, balanced in outline, lovely wedge shaped head of correct proportions with oval eye blending in with coat colour and an extremely soft expression. Good length of neck into good lay of shoulder, straight forelegs with good bone and feet. Her body proportions still need to develop fully, but she has time on her side. Well muscled hindquarters and she is sound and accurate on the move. I see she is litter sister to my Dog CC winner.
2 Evans, Kukkasen Keita by Caballus (IMP FIN) 3 year old liver bitch of good make and shape, pretty head but I preferred the head on the winner. She is of good make and shape and was presented in good coat of tight crisp curls. Balanced quarters fore and aft, and good body proportions. Good profile movement but was just a little close behind.
LB (3,1) 1 Spraggins, & Spraggins, Tusepo Amazing Love. 2 year old liver bitch who is balanced in outline, she was a little unsettled to begin with when I was going over her, but she is of good breed type and performed well on the move so she had to win the class. Super wedge shaped head, strong neck into correct shoulders, well developed body proportions, strong topline, muscled hindquarters. Sound on the move.
2 Evans, Kukkasen Keita by Caballus (IMP FIN) Repeat
OB (3,1) 1 Spraggins, & Spraggins, Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo. Really liked this liver bitch she certainly fills the eye, she oozes quality and is so full of breed type. Super balanced outline, lovely feminine head and pleasing expression, Clean strong neck into super lay of shoulder, well angulated forequarters, excellent body proportions. She was presented in fabulous coat and is in such fit hard condition. On the move she is at one with her handler and moves on a sound effortless gait. CC & BOB.
2. Stephens, Brightmeadow Who’s That Girl. Another quality bitch who is built on smaller lines but is balanced for height to length ratio. Pleasing head and expression, clean strong neck into good forequarters, deep chest with well sprung ribs with closely fitting elbows, strong topline, well muscled hindquarters. Another one presented in fit hard condition, with the correct coat. Moved sound fore and aft in profile.
Jacqui Ward