United Retriever Club 2022

Judge: Mrs C Schofield (Cwsscwn)

Best of Breed:
380 Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW ShCM (Mr J & Mrs M B Stephens)
Dog CC:
380 Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW ShCM (Mr J & Mrs M B Stephens)
Reserve Dog CC:
382 Brightmeadow Take Your Time at Densdale (Miss J Stubbs)
Bitch CC:
378 Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo (Mr N & Mrs S D Spraggins)
Reserve Bitch CC:
356 Maycourt Stairway to Heaven JW (Miss D M Courtier)
Best Puppy:
358 Elgar’s Enigma Tornado Beta Con Redanimo (Imp Ltu) (Ms R & Mr L Davies & Bradstock)
Best Veteran:
369 Maycourt Starman by Crookwood ShCM (Mrs S D Mistlin)

Class 57. Veteran (7+ Years), Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st – 369 Maycourt Starman by Crookwood ShCM (Mrs S D Mistlin)
2nd – 372 Sh Ch Kelsmere Kass of Tengore (Mr B J & Mrs S M Perkins)

Class 60. Puppy Dog, Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st – 358 Elgar’s Enigma Tornado Beta Con Redanimo (Imp Ltu) (Ms R & Mr L Davies & Bradstock)

Class 62. Yearling Dog, Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st – 382 Brightmeadow Take Your Time at Densdale (Miss J Stubbs)
2nd – 355 Lizallwood Mr Bojangles (Miss Clayton)

Class 65. Post Graduate Dog, Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st – 362 Maycourt Heartbreaker (Mrs M Edworthy)
2nd – 359 Maycourt Kashmir Con Redanimo (Ms R & Mr L Davies & Bradstock)
3rd – 375 Tessmene Top Notch by Kagemusha (Mr R & Ms G Richards & Flaher)

Class 66. Limit Dog, Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st – 376 Foxriever Mystic Marvel (Mr K & Mrs M Solomon)
2nd – 354 Tessmene Talk of The Town (Miss Boorman)
3rd – 370 Tengore Mr Moonlight (Mrs Parker-Miles)
Reserve (4th) – 383 Firecurl Some Like It Hot at Tarockwood (ai) (Mr R M & Mrs W Tarelli)

Class 67. Open Dog, Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st – 380 Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW ShCM (Mr J & Mrs M B Stephens)
2nd – 384 Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda at Tarockwood (Imp Pol) (Mr R M & Mrs W Tarelli)

Class 68. Puppy Bitch, Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st – 366 Rowancurl Beachcomber (Mr G & Mrs J Evans)
2nd – 361 Echoes of Thunder from Tornado Beta (Imp Ltu) (Dr N B & Mrs L P Eden)

Class 69. Junior Bitch, Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st – 371 Overbore’s Ace of Hearts (Mrs S & Mr H Parker-Miles)
2nd – 367 Gorchest’s Pendlecurls’s Rising Star at Pepperiever (Imp Usa) (Miss V & Mrs N & Mrs L & Ms C Hayes & Biglin & Walton & Chattwood)
3rd – 366 Rowancurl Beachcomber (Mr G & Mrs J Evans)

Class 70. Yearling Bitch, Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st – 371 Overbore’s Ace of Hearts (Mrs S & Mr H Parker-Miles)
2nd – 367 Gorchest’s Pendlecurls’s Rising Star at Pepperiever (Imp Usa) (Miss V & Mrs N & Mrs L & Ms C Hayes & Biglin & Walton & Chattwood)

Class 71. Novice Bitch, Entries: 3 Absentees: 2
1st – 365 Kukkasen Keita by Caballus (Mr G & Mrs J Evans)

Class 72. Graduate Bitch, Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st – 374 Tengore Sweet Georgia Brown (Mr B J & Mrs S M Perkins)
2nd – 365 Kukkasen Keita by Caballus (Mr G & Mrs J Evans)

Class 73. Post Graduate Bitch, Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st – 356 Maycourt Stairway to Heaven JW (Miss D M Courtier)

Class 74. Limit Bitch, Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st – 357 Molokain Enchanted One (Mrs J Cummings)
2nd – 379 Tusepo Amazing Love (Mr N & Mrs S D Spraggins)
3rd – 373 Tengore Ruby Tuesday (Mr B J & Mrs S M Perkins)

Class 75. Open Bitch, Entries: 4 Absentees: 3
1st – 378 Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo (Mr N & Mrs S D Spraggins)

Judge’s Critique

I was thrilled to be asked to award CC’s for the first time to Curly Coated Retrievers at United Retriever Club. To judge the breed I have been interested in for some 30 plus years is an honour and privilege. Thanks to the hard working Committee for your hospitality and friendliness, my congratulations to your team for putting on fabulous show.

My stewards kept the ring moving smoothly – many thanks Val and Margaret.

Most importantly I must thank the exhibitors for their entries, the depth of quality, presentation and muscle condition was very high.

Curly Coated Retriever

Veteran (2)

1st Maycourt Starman by Crookwood ShCM (Mrs S D Mistlin). This boy really appeals for type, is good to go over and presented a very good outline. Masculine headpiece, kind eye, correct planes and strong muzzle. Excellent ribbing, nice short loin and tail set on well. Well-constructed, standing straight in front and firm, muscular hindquarters. Moved steadily.

2nd Sh Ch Kelsmere Kass of Tengore (Mr B J & Mrs S M Perkins) , Another who was good to go over but he didn’t quite have the outline of winner. Strong neck of sufficient length, firm topline, deep chested and strong rear. Pleasing head and expression with moderate breadth to skull, correct planes, dark oval-shaped eyes. Moving a little close behind but has good ground coverage.

Puppy (1)

1st Elgar’s Enigma Tornado Beta Con Redanimo (Imp Ltu) (Ms R & Mr L Davies & Bradstock) 10 month old who just loves life!! Super young man that has a lot of maturing to do but he has a lovely head with well set on ears of good length, beautiful almond shaped dark eye giving such a cheeky look. Excellent outline on the stack, strong quarters and the best of feet. Excellent curl to the coat. On the move he really enjoyed himself, his footfall was accurate and his tail carriage is excellent. BP

Yearling (2)

1st Brightmeadow Take Your Time at Densdale (Miss J Stubbs) Eye catching boy with a masculine head, correct eye shape and colour giving an intelligent expression. Lovely length to an arch, strong neck, well laid shoulder placement, sloping firm topline, and good angles front and rear, correct tail placement used at all times on the move. He moved freely round the ring, on a lengthy balanced side gait. Well- handled and his crisp curly coat was presented beautifully. RCC

2nd Lizallwood Mr Bojangles (Miss Clayton) Finer throughout than 1st but still masculine. Pleasing head with a soft expression. Clean neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding length of upper arm. Good length of leg and correct depth of chest. Good length and spring of ribcage. Strong hindquarters. Rich liver colour to his well curled coat. Moved soundly.

Post Graduate (3)

1st Maycourt Heartbreaker (Mrs M Edworthy) This is a very typy boy. Pleasing head, expressive eyes and good balance of skull and muzzle. He has a well laid shoulder which gives him length of neck. Deep in rib, and well ribbed back. Wide in the second thigh with well let down hocks. In good coat. On the move he is sound and has good footfall.

2nd Maycourt Kashmir Con Redanimo (Ms R & Mr L Davies & Bradstock) This boy has a lovely head with a soft dark eye, strong neck leading to correct shoulders & straight front. Good depth to chest and well ribbed. Correct hind angulation which gives him drive on the move. Well presented.

3rd Tessmene Top Notch by Kagemusha (Mr R & Ms G Richards & Flaher)

Limit (4)

1st Foxriever Mystic Marvel (Mr K & Mrs M Solomon) Super head with correct eye and a cheeky expression. Lovely neck length leading into good lay of shoulders, firm top line, lovely moulded croup. Well balanced throughout which gave him the drive to move effortlessly round the ring. In super coat and muscle condition.

2nd Tessmene Talk of The Town (Miss Boorman) This young man also presents a well- balanced outline with slightly arched neck, deep brisket, well sprung ribs, firm loin and tail of good set. Lovely head and expression with defined stop and dark oval-shaped eyes. Moving freely with excellent carriage.

3rd Tengore Mr Moonlight (Mrs Parker-Miles)

Open (3, 1 ab)

1st Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW ShCM (Mr J & Mrs M B Stephens) Excellent overall balance to this boy. Super head with the correct wedge shaped proportions, foreface equal in length to the skull, gently sloping stop, the softest of expressions and square finish to muzzle. Clean neck into well laid shoulder. Firm topline with the rise to the loin, and well sprung ribcage. Strong hindquarters with width to the stifle. The best of underlines. Stood true and firm. Excellent full coat of good tight curls, crisp in texture. Moved strongly and with great purpose. In excellent muscular condition. A pleasure to award him DCC. BOB and so pleased to see him awarded Best Opposite Sex in Show

2nd Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda at Tarockwood (Imp Pol) (Mr R M & Mrs W Tarelli) Masculine head with a kind eye. Nicely balanced all through. Clean outline with firm topline and well-set tail. Well-made hindquarters. Stands square all round. Moved steadily fore and aft.

Puppy Bitch (4, 2 ab)

1st Rowancurl Beachcomber (Mr G & Mrs J Evans). This is a very typy girl. Pleasing head, expressive eyes and good balance of skull and muzzle. She has a well laid shoulder which gives her length of neck. Deep in rib, and well ribbed back. Enough width to the second thigh with well let down hocks, On the move she is sound and has good footfall.

2nd Echoes of Thunder from Tornado Beta (Imp LTU) (Dr N B & Mrs L P Eden) . Very different to the winner in style and outline. Pretty head with almond shaped eyes and typically wedge shaped in profile. Balanced in outline and has enough bone and round tight feet. Moves out with a good length of stride.

Junior (4)

1st Overbore’s Ace of Hearts (Mrs S & Mr H Parker-Miles) Loved the overall type of this bitch. Well balanced wedged shaped head with correct stop and expressive eyes. Strong well arched neck running into well laid shoulders. Good in body showing the correct topline and underline. Crisp texture to well curled coat. Moved very well keeping her correct topline.

2nd Gorchest’s Pendlecurls’s Rising Star at Pepperiever (Imp Usa) (Miss V & Mrs N & Mrs L & Ms C Hayes & Biglin & Walton & Chattwood) Feminine bitch with very nice outline. Head a little fine in muzzle, good reach of neck, good body and topline. On the move her footfall is excellent. I would just prefer more of her.

3rd Rowancurl Beachcomber (Mr G & Mrs J Evans)

Yearling (2)

1st Overbore’s Ace of Hearts (Mrs S & Mr H Parker-Miles) REPEAT

2nd Gorchest’s Pendlecurls’s Rising Star at Pepperiever (Imp Usa) (Miss V & Mrs N & Mrs L & Ms C Hayes & Biglin & Walton & Chattwood) REPEAT

Novice (3, 2 ab)

1st Kukkasen Keita by Caballus (Mr G & Mrs J Evans) Honest girl which has breed type. Decent head and good eyes. A shade long in leg and her ribs need to fill out. Moved freely but could be more positive in front movement.

Graduate (3, 1ab)

1st Tengore Sweet Georgia Brown (Mr B J & Mrs S M Perkins) This young lady wasn’t sure that she wanted to be here today but please persevere with her she is quite delightful. She possesses a good body and has the classic outline. Good head proportions and lovely expression. Came into herself on the move showing confidence, and a freedom of gait.

2nd Kukkasen Keita by Caballus (Mr G & Mrs J Evans) REPEAT

Post Graduate (1)

1st Maycourt Stairway to Heaven JW (Miss D M Courtier) I just loved this bitch’s femininity, haughtiness and quality. She has a beautiful head and a soft dark eye. Slight curve of neck leading to well- placed shoulders and she scores highly in forechest and depth of chest. Ribbed well back with strong loin, good turn of stifle and well- muscled in rear. She has excellent reach fore and aft and flows effortlessly around the ring. Put down in excellent condition. RCC

Limit (4, 1 ab)

1st Molokai Enchanted One (Mrs J Cummings) Well balanced with neck of correct length, firm topline, deep brisket, ribbed well back, short well developed loin and correct tail set. Delightful head and expression, correctly set ears. Coat in good condition with tight crisp curls Moved well with a confident carriage.

2nd Tusepo Amazing Love (Mr N & Mrs S D Spraggins) Pretty headed girl with a soft but alert expression. Well-constructed with good depth, strong loin and cracking hindquarters. Well- muscled which gave true movement fore and aft. Just needs a bit more confidence to complete the picture.

3rd Tengore Ruby Tuesday (Mr B J & Mrs S M Perkins)

Open (4, 3ab)

1st Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo (Mr N & Mrs S D Spraggins) Really loved the type of this Liver bitch, so very feminine, but still has the robustness required. She has a lovely head with the kind, intelligent eye of correct shape. Nicely arched neck running into well laid shoulders, good depth of brisket, ribs carried well back. Strong hindquarters which she uses so well on the move keeping her lovely outline at all times. Well coated in crisp curls. BCC

Christine Schofield