Southern Counties

3 June 2023

Judge: Susan Kannangara (Sherosco)

Best Dog:
4050 - Curlabull Iron Lion Zion ShCM (Mr P & Ms B Miller & Millichamp)
Reserve Best Dog:
4044 - Bazzy Inti Anka At Molokain (Mr S T Clack)
Best Bitch:
4045 - Molokain Hocus Pocus (Mr S T Clack)
Reserve Best Bitch
4055 - Overbore's Ace Of Hearts (Mrs S & Mr H Parker-Miles)
Best of Breed:
4050 - Curlabull Iron Lion Zion ShCM (Mr P & Ms B Miller & Millichamp)
Best Puppy:
4045 - Molokain Hocus Pocus (Mr S T Clack)
Best Veteran:
4050 - Curlabull Iron Lion Zion ShCM (Mr P & Ms B Miller & Millichamp)
Best Special Beginners:
4045 - Molokain Hocus Pocus (Mr S T Clack)

Class 2022. Puppy Dog
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place 4056 – Tessmene Rock That Look (Miss K Riva)
2nd Place 4052 – Foxriever Solent Solstice At Wightcurls (Mr P & Ms B Miller & Millichamp)
3rd Place 4048 – Foxriever Midsummer Magic (Mr Ej Emery)

Class 2023. Junior Dog
Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Class 2024. Post Graduate Dog
Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Class 2025. Limit Dog
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place 4044 – Bazzy Inti Anka At Molokain (Mr S T Clack)
2nd Place 4043 – Tessmene Talk Of The Town (Miss G Boorman)
3rd Place 4051 – Foxriever Solent Sensation At Wightcurls (Mr P & Ms B Miller & Millichamp)

Class 2026. Open Dog
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place 4053 – Tengore Mr Moonlight (Mrs Parker-Miles)

Class 2027. Special Beginners Dog
Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Class 2028. Veteran
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place 4050 – Curlabull Iron Lion Zion ShCM (Mr P & Ms B Miller & Millichamp)
2nd Place 4054 – Maycourt Starman By Crookwood ShCM (Mrs S D Mistlin)
3rd Place 4046 – Molokain Ilusia (Mr S T Clack)

Class 2029. Good Citizen Dog Scheme
Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Class 2030. Special Beginners Bitch
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place 4045 – Molokain Hocus Pocus (Mr S T Clack)

Class 2031. Puppy Bitch
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place 4045 – Molokain Hocus Pocus (Mr S T Clack)
2nd Place 4049 – Foxriever Moon Dancer (Mrs K & Mr D Hutchins)
3rd Place 4047 – Overbore Bombette For Hisriver (Mrs H Driscoll)
Reserve (4th Place) 4058 – Foxriever Ritual Flame (Mr A M & Mrs D J Whitehead)

Class 2032. Junior Bitch
Entries: 1 Absentees: 1

Class 2033. Post Graduate Bitch
Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st Place 4055 – Overbore’s Ace Of Hearts (Mrs S & Mr H Parker-Miles)

Class 2034. Limit Bitch
Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Class 2035. Open Bitch
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place 4057 – Fleetwoods Sundevil Empress Among Foxriever (Imp USA) (Mr A M & Mrs D J Whitehead)

Judge’s Critique:
I would like to thank the committee for my invitation to judge Curly Coated Retrievers and my two stewards who worked tirelessly as my breed was third in the ring so they had had a long day, but without the stewards it would be very difficult to have a show, so a big thank you to all stewards, just to let you know this breed has a distinctive coat which is small, tightly crisp curls close to the skin and I found a couple of dogs with soft wavy curls

PD (3)
1. Riva’s Tessmene Rock That Look. Black coated 9 month old, full of confident, the head was perfectly wedge on front and side profiles, the neck slightly arched flowed into the laid back shoulders, the forelegs strong and straight, set well under the body, good tight crisp curls.
2. Miller/Millichamp’s Foxriever Solent Solstice At Wightcurls. This was a toss up between 2 and 3 as both dogs were very nervous, need more hands on and ring-craft to help the dogs to get more confidence, 10 month old, had a good scissor bite and a good head profile which wedge both from front and side, the movement was good and the hindquarters was strong and muscular which gave good drive whilst on the move.
3. Emery’s Foxriever Midsummer Magic.

LD 3(0)
1. Clack’s Bazzy Inti Anka at Molokain. Beautiful liver coated dog, good head with the neck lightly arched flowing into the lay of shoulder, good level top-line, good turn of stifle, and most of all the coat was crisp tight curls, fought hard for the challenge, RBD.
2. Boorman’s Tessmene Talk Of The Town. Difficult, it was the movement of number 1 the made the choice and could easily change places, he appeared strong, upstanding and elegant, good deep chest with well sprung rib cage, short loin but had a very good tight, crisp curl.
3. Miller/Millichamp’s Foxriever Solent Sensation at Wightcurls.

OD (1)
1. Parker-Miles’ Tengore Mr Moonlight. 3 year old dog, very nervous, did manage to go over him, the movement settled him and he did move well in the ring, masculine, good head profile front and side, good deep chest, well sprung rib cage, slight tuck up, good tight crisp curls.

V (3)
1. Miller/Millichamp’s Curlabull Iron Lion Zion ShCM. Wow the 11 year old black dog is a credit to his owner, the condition and movement of this dog was brilliant, he was strong upstanding, the coat was a mass of tight crisp curls, he deserved to win BD, BV & BOB, I felt sure he would have got a placing in the group challenge so I was a little disappointed but he was truly incredible and I really liked him.
2. Mistlin’s Maycourt Starman By Crookwood ShCM. 9 year old liver dog, good head, good forequarters and hindquarters, and most of all a good coat of tight crisp curls.
3. Clack’s Molokain Ilusia.

SpBB 1(0)
1. Clack’s Molokain Hocus Pocus. What a lovely bitch this is, not quite a year old, this youngster should have a promising show career, good wedged shaped front and side profile with a good scissor bite, the movement had good extension and drive and the coat was dense with very good crisp tight curls, I was pleased to award this bitch BB, BP and BSpB, again disappointed not to have been placed in the group as she is a very good bitch.

PB 4(0)
1. Clack’s Molokain Hocus Pocus. Repeat.
2. Hutchins’ Foxriever Moon Dancer. Liver bitch, the crisp curls were not as tight as no 1 but her movement was very good, the top-line level and good reach of the forelegs, the hindquarters giving good drive.
3. Driscoll’s Overbore Bombette For Hisriver.

PGB 2(1)
1. Parker-Miles’ Overbore’s Ace Of Hearts. This youngster stood alone but in fantastic condition, good profile, nice sloping neck with a good top-line, very good tight crisp curls and moved well, RBB.

OB 1(0)
1. Whitehead’s Fleetwoods Sundevil Empress Among Foxriever (imp USA). Beautiful black bitch, good head profile, good forequarters and the top-line strong and level, again the coat tight, crisp curls.

Susan Kannangara (Sherosco)