Richmond 2021
Judge: Martyn J Rees (Tyndale)
Class 1195 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2911 CLAYTON, Miss A Lizallwood Mr Bojangles
2nd: 2918 EDWORTHY, Mrs M Maycourt Heartbreaker
Class 1196 JD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2907 BOORMAN, Miss G Tessmene Talk of the Town
2nd: 2931 SOLOMON, Mr K & SOLOMON, Mrs Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar
3rd: 2918 EDWORTHY, Mrs M Maycourt Heartbreaker
Class 1197 YD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2907 BOORMAN, Miss G Tessmene Talk of the Town
2nd: 2926 PARKER-MILES, Mrs S Tengore Mr Moonlight
Class 1198 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2926 PARKER-MILES, Mrs S Tengore Mr Moonlight
2nd: 2922 MILLICHAMP, Mrs B J & MILLER, Mr P Foxriever Solent Sensation At Wightcurls
3rd: 2919 HAWLEY-CLARKE, Ms R Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory TAF
Class 1199 LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2913 DRISCOLL, Mrs H Fleetpaw One For Arthur at HisRiver
Class 1200 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2935 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW Sh.CM
2nd: 2925 MISTLIN, Mrs S Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh.CM
3rd: 2923 MILLICHAMP, Mrs B J & MILLER, Mr P Curlabull iron lion zion Sh.CM
Class 1201 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2937 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J Brightmeadow Take One Look
2nd: 2909 CARRICK, Mrs F Tessmene Classic Gin Fizz
3rd: 2921 JONES, Mr A & Mrs E Lizallwood Peggy Sue
Res: 2912 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Stairway To Heaven
Class 1202 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2910 CARRICK, Mrs F & CARRICK, Miss C Tessmene The Cats Whiskers
2nd: 2912 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Stairway To Heaven
3rd: 2939 WHITEHEAD, Mrs D & WHITEHEAD, Mr A Foxriever Striking Spirit
Class 1203 YB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2934 SPRAGGINS, Mr N & SPRAGGINS, Mrs S Tusepo Amazing Love
2nd: 2920 JANKS, Ms P Tessmene Tea for Two at Beauport
3rd: 2927 PERKINS, Mr B J & Mrs S Tengore Sweet Georgia Brown
Class 1204 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
2nd: 2914 EDEN, Mrs L Roughyeds Minnie Caldwell
Class 1205 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2928 PERKINS, Mr B J & Mrs S Tengore RubyTuesday
3rd: 2938 WHITEHEAD, Mrs D & WHITEHEAD, Mr A Fleetwoods Sundevil Empress Among Foxriever (Imp U
Class 1206 OB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2932 SPRAGGINS, Mr N & SPRAGGINS, Mrs S Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo
Judge’s Critique
I should like to thank the Secretary, Officers and Committee for their most generous invitation to judge a new breed with Challenge Certificates at this most prestigious show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and the opportunity to assess many quality dogs and the sporting way that all my placing’s were received. The hospitality extended to me throughout the day was excellent. I must add a special note of thanks to the Curly Coated Retriever exhibitors for honouring me with such a fantastic entry – thank you.
PD (2) 1 Clayton’s Lizallwood Mr Bojangles.Extremely pleasing liver puppy of 10 months of age, of good type and overall balance. Good overall substance, bone and muscle with a good width of second thigh. Correct wedge shape and balance to skull with well placed ears and biddable expression. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Coat of good texture. Correct forehand assembly and strong hindquarters and moderate turn of stifle. Feet round with nails that could have been shorter. Tailset correct straight on a level with topline. On the move he demonstrated a powerful gait that was accurate at all times. My pleasure to award this lovely young puppy. Best Puppy In Breed. 2 Edworthy’s Maycourt Heartbreaker. Another very nice male puppy of black coat colour and also 10 months of age. When standing he produced a very good clean and balanced outline. The best of heads and expressions free of exaggeration, dentition correct, clean and complete, strong neck into well placed shoulders, straight firm topline which was held on the move. Feet round and neat. Well muscled hindquarters. Just did not move with the accuracy and positivity of hind movement of my first placed exhibit – a lovely young example of the breed.
JD (4, 1) 1 Boorman’s Tessmene Talk Of The Town. An extremely impressive young liver dog of 17 months of age who caught my eye upon entering the ring because of his overall balance and breed type. Very good head, which is in proportion to his body size with brown nose. Strong muzzle, dentition correct, clean and complete, strong neck into well placed shoulder and return of upper arm, deep chest of good width, firm back and very good hindquarters with good width of second thigh, feet round and well padded nails could be shorter. Moved at the correct speed accurately both fore and aft demonstrating and effortless but powerful gait. I was extremely pleased to award this young male the RCC today – he can only get better as he matures. 2 Solomon’s Foxriver Mystic Marvel At Elkysar. Another young male with black coat and of 16 months who impressed me when standing – all aspects were in proportion and free of exaggeration. Pleasing head into strong neck, dentition correct, clean and complete, quality bone all through, for me he was a little steep in upper arm, well sprung ribs into strong loin, coat of good quality, moderate turn of stifle, on the move he was sound and accurate but moved marginally close behind. 3 Edworthy’s Maycourt Heartbreaker.
YD (2) 1 Boorman’s Tessmene Talk Of The Town. 2 Parker-Miles’ Tengore Mr Moonlight. A black coated male of 19 months of age, who, when entering the ring, and when standing initially, fitted exactly the template I have in mind for a Curly Coated Retriever. He exudes breed type and does not disappoint when one places hands-on. Classical wedge shaped head of good proprtions with correct black nose. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Strong clean neck into excellent forehand assembly, well sprung ribs, strong loin and well muscled hindquarters, for me and in the position he was standing, the stifle could have been more moderately angled, strong tail that flowed from topline, quality bone all through, neat feet. On the move, he was sound and accurate in all profiles.
PGD (3) 1 Parker-Miles Tengore Mr Moonlight. 2 Millichamp & Miller’s Foxriever Solent Sensation At Wightcurls. Liver dog who was well presented and shown. Of pleasing overall type, lacked the quality and type of my first placed exhibit. Balanced, clean head with kind expression and eyes that blended with coat colour. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Strong neck, he was steep in upper arm, ribs well sprung, strong loin and good hindquarters with moderate bend of stifle. Nails could have been shorter. Moved soundly. 3 Hawley-Clarke’s Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory TAF.
LD (1) 1 Driscoll’s Fleetpaw One For Arthur At Hisriver. For me this male of two and a half years was ‘over-done’ in may areas. His head is, for me, too strong, dentition correct, clean and complete, pleasing expression and eye colour. Strong neck, pleasing forehand assembly, well sprung ribs, short loin, muscled hindquarters but too straight in stifle when standing. Moved soundly once settled.
OD (4, 1) 1 Stephens’ Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW ShCM. A black coated male of 5 years of age. What a dog!! Excels in all areas for me. Presents a picture and template of a Curly Coated Retriever. He has a correctly proportioned wedge shaped head with oval dark eye and soft expression. A tight scissor bite with dentition correct, clean and complete. Strong neck leading to correct layback of shoulder and good length and return of upperarm. Deep through the brisket with good width and well ribbed back into strong loin. Strong muscular hindquarters with well developed second thigh. Quality bone all through with the very best of tight neat feet and shortest of nails (Thank you). His coat was a tight and thick mass of crisp curls. On the move he was accurate both fore and aft and demonstrated an excellent open side gait when seen in profile. In the Challenge he could have moved all day if required. His handler was at one with him and got the very best out of him and I was delighted to award him the CC and BOB – he is without equal at present. 2 Mistlin’s Maycourt Starman By Crookwood. A pleasing overall type of liver dog of seven and a half years of age – a credit to his owner. Balanced, clean head and pleasing expression, dentition correct, clean and complete. Strong neck into well placed shoulder, ribs well sprung, strong loin, well made hindquarters that are moderately angled. Moved soundly when asked. 3 Millichamp & Miller’s Curlabull Iron Lion Zion ShCM.
PB (4) 1 Stephens’ Sh Ch Brightmeadow Take One Look. An extremely feminine black coated bitch of 11 months of age. Beautiful clean head that is in proportion to her body size, good and correct and well set ears, dentition correct, clean and complete. Clean neck into very good forehand assembly, strong loin, well muscled hindquarters with evident second thigh, neat feet and again the shortest of nails. Moved soundly and accurately although in the challenge for both the Bitch CC and for Best Puppy, she became unsettled by a sound from outside of the ring – definitely one to watch in the future. 2 Carrick’s Tessmene Classic Gin Fizz. Pleasing feminine bitch of just 10 months of age. Beautiful head of correct shape and proportions and kind expression. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Developing well throughout, she has the cleanest of lines. Clean, strong neck into well placed shoulder, good spring of ribs, strong loin, good quality coat, moderate hindquarters, moved soundly on well padded feet – nails could have been shorter. 3 Jones’ Lizallwood Peggy Sue.
JB (3) 1 Carrick & Carrick’s Tessmene The Cats Whiskers. An 18 month old bitch, extremely well made and balanced all through. Presented a good outline. Excellent, proportionate head and kind expression with well set ears, eye of correct colour and shape, dentition correct, clean and complete. She scored in forehand construction, overall balance and breed type. Deep chest of good width, well sprung ribs. Strong hindquarter assembly with moderate turn of stifle. Tight, neat feet with nails that could have been shorter. Moved soundly and accurately – at one with her handler. 2 Courtier’s Maycourt Stairway To Heaven. A bitch of 11 months of age, finer all through than my first placed exhibit and extremely feminine. Balanced and proportionate head with soft expression and correct eye in terms of shape and colour. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Clean neck of good length into well placed forehand assembly, chest needs to develop, which it will, moderate hindquarters. Moved soundly and accurately. 3 Whitehead & Whitehead’s Foxriever Striking Spirit.
YB (3) 1 Spraggins & Spraggins’ Tusepo Amazing Love. Liver bitch of nearly 2 years of age who didn’t show herself off to her best advantage today but had enough breed type to see her placed first in this class. Balanced proportions, clean, feminine head with slight stop. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Good layback of shoulder. Well sprung ribcage leading to short loin. Moderate hindquarters. Sound on the move. 2 Janks’ Tessmene Tea For Two At Beauport. I really did like this black coated bitch of nearly 18 months of age. She is free from exaggeration and completely balanced all through. For me, I can see her potential but to fulfill this potential, both the bitch and her handler need to understand what is required when showing and to show and move to the best advantage. Extremely feminine but balanced wedge shaped head well placed ears, dentition correct, clean and complete, beautiful clean neck that is slightly arched leading into good forehand assembly, deep chest of good width, moderate hindquarters, moved soundly and accurately once settled and understanding of what was required. 3 Perkins’ Tengore Sweet Georgia Brown.
PGB (2) 1 Rule’s Overbore’s Perfect Storm. Liver bitch of 19 months of age. Of good overall balance and proportions and breed type. Presented and shown well today. Lovely head and expression. Correct, clean and complete dentition. Good ear placement and carriage. Super neck into well placed shoulders. Nicely bodied with well made hindquarters. Very good bone and feet but nails could have been shorter. Moved well showing accurate movement both fore and aft. 2 Eden’s Roughyeds Minnie Caldwell. A pleasing bitch of just over 2 years of age, finer all through than my first placed exhibit. Feminine and balanced head, correct, clean and complete dentition, clean neck into a forehand assembly that was slightly steep in upper arm, deep chest into good loin and moderate hindquarters. Moved soundly.
LB (4, 1) 1 Perkins’ Tengore Ruby Tuesday. I really loved this black coated bitch of just over two and a half years of age. Very typical of Curly Coated Retriever type and template. Very feminine bitch lovely wedge shaped head and the kindest of expressions, correct shape and colour to eye, ears well set, dentition correct, clean and complete, good neck with slight arch into well placed shoulders and return of upper arm. Good depthand width to chest and ribs well sprung leading to strong loin with moderate tuck up to flank. Very good hindquarter assembly with stifles that are moderate but if not standing correctly can appear to be not as moderate as they should be. Good bone all through, super tight neat feet. Moved well, accurately and soundly. My pleasure to award her RCC today. 2 Rule’s Elkysar Red Mistique. A liver bitch of four and a half years of age, heavier all through than my first placed exhibit but balanced and not coarse in any way. Typical head and kind expression with full dentition that was correct and clean. Strong neck into good forehand assembly, excellent depth and width of chest, short strong loin into strong well muscled hindquarters with definite second thigh. Moved soundly and accurately and well shown. 3 Whitehead & Whitehead’s Fleetwoods Sundevil Empress Among Foxriever (Imp USA).
OB (1) 1 Spraggins & Spraggins’ Maycourt Hot Love At Tusepo. This 5 year old liver bitch stood alone in her class today – what a bitch! Exudes and exemplifies breed type for the point of her nose to the tip of her tail. I loved her the moment she stepped into my ring and she did not disappoint me once I had got my hands on her. So very well balanced all through and free of any exaggeration or coarseness. Presented in super condition and a lovely picture in outline and profile. Excellent and wedge shaped feminine head with slight stop, and correct eye giving soft expression. Rather small ears correctly set. Correct, clean and complete dentition. Strong neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm with deep chest of good width with brisket reaching the elbows. Level topline. Coat of excellent quality. Good spring of rib, with strong loin and well muscled hindquarters, with clear and definite second thigh. Tight round feet. Super quality bone all through. Moved well and accurately both fore, aft and in profile whenever asked by her excellent handler who really did very ounce out of her. My absolute pleasure to aware her the CC today, her first I understand although I cannot understand why she isn’t made up – it will come I am very sure.
Martyn J Rees