Manchester 2020

Judge: Miss P A Gowland

Best of Breed:
BETT Mr & Mrs D Sh Ch Brightmeadow Jimmy Cricket
Dog CC:
BETT Mr & Mrs D Sh Ch Brightmeadow Jimmy Cricket
Reserve Dog CC:
MISTLIN Mrs S D Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh.CM
Bitch CC:
WHITEHEAD Mr A M & Mrs D J Sh Ch Kelsmere Kamana For Foxriever Sh.CM
Reserve Bitch CC:
COURTIER Miss D Sh Ch Maycourt Crimson Moon
Best Puppy:
FINDLOW Mr & Mrs A & J Roughyeds Audrey Roberts


Class 2230 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 1

Class 2231 JD NO ENTRIES

Class 2232 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8251 MASSON, Mr K A & GLOVER Miss A Tessmene Summer Solstice
2nd: 8240 DRISCOLL Mrs H Fleetpaw One For Arthur

Class 2233 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 2

Class 2234 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8234 BETT Mr & Mrs D Sh Ch Brightmeadow Jimmy Cricket
2nd: 8255 MISTLIN Mrs S D Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh.CM
3rd: 8249 JOHNSTONE, Mrs C & STOKES Mr C Sh Ch Talismanic Bag Of Tricks
Res: 8253 MERCER, Miss C & THOMAS Miss L A Elkysar Black Arrow Over Stormacre

Class 2235 VD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8233 BETT Mr & Mrs D Elerrina Untouchable (Imp)
2nd: 8256 MISTLIN Mrs S D Sh Ch Pepperiever Beech at Crookwood JW
3rd: 8244 FIELDING Ms S Roughyeds Romeo Reuben

Class 2236 MPB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8245 FINDLOW Mr & Mrs A & J Roughyeds Audrey Roberts
2nd: 8243 EVANS Mr G Kukkasen Keita By Caballus (Fin Imp)
3rd: 8264 WHITEHEAD Mr A M & Mrs D J Fleetwoods Sundevil Empress
Res: 8241 EDEN Mrs L P Roughyeds Minnie Caldwell

Class 2237 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8245 FINDLOW Mr & Mrs A & J Roughyeds Audrey Roberts
2nd: 8243 EVANS Mr G Kukkasen Keita By Caballus (Fin Imp)
3rd: 8264 WHITEHEAD Mr A M & Mrs D J Fleetwoods Sundevil Empress

Class 2238 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8254 MERCER, Miss C & THOMAS Miss L A Tyneside’s My Heart Will Go On To Stormacre (Imp U
2nd: 8243 EVANS Mr G Kukkasen Keita By Caballus (Fin Imp)
3rd: 8236 CARLIN Ms S Celebrated Caramel From Tornado Beta (Imp)

Class 2239 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8248 JAMES Miss T Kahawei Teal JW
2nd: 8257 MOSKOWITZ Mrs A L & Dr M Blue Willow at Ravenho
3rd: 8258 RICHARDS Mrs K Tessmene Made You Look

Class 2240 LB (1 Entries) Abs: 1

Class 2241 OB (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 8263 WHITEHEAD Mr A M & Mrs D J Sh Ch Kelsmere Kamana For Foxriever Sh.CM
2nd: 8239 COURTIER Miss D Sh Ch Maycourt Crimson Moon
3rd: 8260 STEPHENS Mr J & Mrs M B Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look Sh.CM
Res: 8238 COOPER, Mrs E & DENBIGH Mrs H J Ir Ch Caballus Keep Left To Malanis (Imp)

Class 2242 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 1

Judge’s Critique

It was my first appointment to award CC’s in the breed and I was looking forward to the appointment, thank you to the committee for the invitation. Also to the exhibitors for the lovely entry.
PGD (3, 1) 1 Masson & Glover’s Tessmene Summer Solstice. Well grown liver dog with lots of masculinity and substance for his age, good neck, balanced moderate angulation, straight front, good pasterns and nice tight feet, deep oval ribs, strong topline, would preferred a little more angulation into his hock, won her on his head and profile movement. 2 Driscoll’s Fleetpaw One For Arthur. Another liver boy with plenty of size and substance, masculine strong head, good neck, strong well boned legs, nice topline, croup and tail set, well ribbed back, moved close behind but true in front.
LD (2, 1) Withheld. To me the character and temperament of any dog is a particularly important part of the standard which states the Curley should be bold, friendly, self confident and independent. I can accept shyness in a youngster and it is not at all uncommon for them to go through a ‘phase’ but with an adult not to have the confidence to be able to be gone over, I believe it would have been incorrect to have placed him and awarded a SBN.
OD (4) Lovely class. 1 Betts’ Sh Ch Brightmeadow Jimmy Cricket. Lovely quality masculine black dog with a super tightly curled thick coat, liked his bodily proportions, good head with a lovely expression and oval dark eye, wedge shaped head from both angles, has good stop and parallel planes, strong slightly arched neck, deep oval ribcage, good bone, level topline, and correct croup and tail set, over bent stifle, strong hocks which he uses well on the move and had good free flowing movement with drive from behind. Pleased to award him the CC and BOB. 2 Mistlin’s Maycourt Starman By Crookwood ShCM. Another quality dog who has a bit more scope and elegance, liver dog with good head and muzzle, parallel plains, correct stop and nice ear set, long reach of neck, nice balanced angulation, front and rear, straight front good pasterns and feet, deep oval ribs, moved out well with good reach of stride Res CC. 3 Johnston & Stokes’ Sh Ch Talismanic Bag Of Tricks.
VD (3) 1 Betts’ Elerrina Untouchable (Imp). Looking good at 9 years old, won here with his lovely balanced head, parallel plains, wedge in shape, nice stop, well set small ears, oval dark eye, nice neck, good bone, weak in pasterns but feet round and well arched, deep body with oval well sprung ribs, over angled quarters, but moved out very freely. 2 Mistlin’s Sh Ch Pepperiever Beech At Crookwood JW. Another lovely quality dog who presents a strong upstanding picture with the required degree of elegance, loved his friendly temperament, good head with balance between his skull and muzzle and a gentle expression, straight front good pasterns and feet, balanced angulation front and rear, with the correct turn of stifle, moved out freely in profile. 3 Fielding’s Roughyeds Romeo Reuben.
MPB (4) 1 Findlow’s Roughyeds Audrey Roberts. Really liked this confident young black bitch, well developed for her age and has correct proportions and good length of leg, correct balanced angulation, gorgeous head and expression with nice wedge shape in both angles and parallel plains, nice oval dark eye and correctly set ears, well set neck, straight front, good pasterns and feet, good body for her age, moved out very smooth and levelly with reach of stride, giving a perfect performance today. Best Puppy. 2 Evans’ Kukkasen Keita By Caballus (Fin Imp). Another one to watch, a happy girl with a good liver coat, nice wedge shaped head, correct neck balanced angulation, straight front, good pasterns and feet, correct body for her age, moved with good length of stride. 3 Whitehead’s Fleetwoods Sundevil Empress.
PB (4, 1) 1 Findlow’s Roughyeds Audrey Roberts. 2 Evans’ Kukkasen Keita By Caballus (Fin Imp). 3 Whitehead’s Fleetwoods Sundevil Empress.
JB (5) 1 Mercer & Thomas’ Tyneside’s My Heart Will Go On To Stormacre (Imp U). Lovely quality black bitch who is well developed for her age and has a lot of substance, has a tightly curled coat, she has good length of leg, and deep mature body, nicely balanced head with an oval eye and correct stop, strong well set neck, straight front, good pasterns and feet, well sprung ribs, short coupling nice turn of stifle with good thighs, used her hocks well on the move. 2 Evans’ Kukkasen Keita By Caballus (Fin Imp). Repeat. 3 Carlin’s Celebrated Caramel From Tornado Beta (Imp).
PGB (3) 1 James’ Kahawei Teal JW. Liked this upstanding bitch who has that touch of elegance, and is clearly feminine, good proportions, tightly curled coat, nice head and expression, correct neck well set on to angulated firm shoulders and angulated upper arm, pronounced forechest, straight front, feet could be better sprung and tighter, good body, level topline, correct croup and tail set, lovely quarters with moderately bent stifle, moves smoothly but tendency to overreach behind. 2 Moskowitz’s Blue Willow At Ravenho. Is out of coat today, but has a good harsh texture, nice balance, lots of bone and substance, good head and expression, strong neck, nice balanced angulation front and rear, straight front, good round tight feet. deep mature body. 3 Richards’ Tessmene Made You Look.
OB (6, 2) A lovely quality class. 1 Whitehead’s Sh Ch Kelsmere Kamana For Foxriever ShCM. One I have done well in the past, I just love her overall make and shape and find her to have a very feminine head with a dark intelligent eye, she has correct wedge shaped, parallel planes and correct stop and small well set ears, good neck well set into shoulders which are well laid back, nice upper arm and forechest, straight front, good feet, deep mature oval ribcage, correct length of back, moderate turn of stifle with strong hocks, well curled coat, she moved out well in profile pleased to award her the CC but lacked her usual sparkle when challenging for BOB. 2 Courtier’s Sh Ch Maycourt Crimson Moon. Res CC, another lovely quality bitch who has nice maturity with good bone and substance, nice head and expression, correct reach of neck, shoulder could be more laid back, straight front good pasterns and feet, deep oval ribcage and well ribbed back, nice topline, well bent stifle, good dense well curled coat. 3 Stephens’ Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look ShCM.