Ladies Kennel Association 2023

10 December 2023

Judge: Mr Michael Jacques (Curlabull)

Best of Breed:
8173 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW
Dog CC:
8129 BROOKES, Mrs S Infallibles Black Crusader At Kelsmere (Imp Nor)
Reserve Dog CC:
8167 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina Tengore Mr Moonlight
Bitch CC:
8173 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW
Reserve Bitch CC:
8139 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Take Me To The Top
Best Puppy:
8139 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Take Me To The Top
Best Veteran:
8163 MISTLIN, Mrs Sandra Maycourt Starman By Crookwood Sh.CM

Class 2499 PD (4 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 8124 ARNOLD, Miss Rachel & DOBSON, Mr James Roughyeds Regal George

Class 2500 JD (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 8149 FINCH, Ms Sarah Molokain Doing The Do At Cetgueli JW
2nd: 8126 BARBER, Mrs Heather S. & BARBER, Miss Beatrix & BARBER, Miss Harriet Tonispada Vuori Vincent By Blanshard
3rd: 8146 EMERY, Mr Ethan-James Denis Owain Foxriever Midsummer Magic
Res: 8124 ARNOLD, Miss Rachel & DOBSON, Mr James Roughyeds Regal George

Class 2501 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 8146 EMERY, Mr Ethan-James Denis Owain Foxriever Midsummer Magic

Class 2502 LD (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8133 CLACK, Mr & Mrs Stephen & Elaine Bazzy Inti Anka At Molokain (Cze Imp)
2nd: 8162 MERCER, Miss C & THOMAS, Miss LA & WHITEHEAD, Mrs Slodki Jak Drops Z BasiSfory (Imp Pol)
3rd: 8175 STUBBS, Miss Jillian Brightmeadow Take Your Time At Densdale
Res: 8180 VALENTINE, Miss Fiona & VALENTINE, Mrs P Ravenho Tallow Tango At Pattonia
VHC: 8155 HODSON, Mrs Helen Rowancurl Gentle Gaelor

Class 2503 OD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8129 BROOKES, Mrs S Infallibles Black Crusader At Kelsmere (Imp Nor)
2nd: 8167 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina Tengore Mr Moonlight
3rd: 8127 BOORMAN, Miss Gill Sh Ch Tessmene Talk Of The Town
Res: 8174 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW Sh.CM
VHC: 8178 TARELLI, Mr R M & Mrs W Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda At Tarockwood (Imp Pol)


Class 2505 VD/B (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 8163 MISTLIN, Mrs Sandra Maycourt Starman By Crookwood Sh.CM

Class 2506 PB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8139 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Take Me To The Top
2nd: 8138 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Cover Shot
3rd: 8161 MERCER, Miss C & THOMAS, Miss LA Kahawei Catch The Stars Over Stormacre
Res: 8150 FINDLOW, Mr A & Mrs J Roughyeds Gold Stick Cellar
VHC: 8170 PERKINS, Mr B J & Mrs S M Maycourt Miss Sweetness at Tengore

Class 2507 JB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8150 FINDLOW, Mr A & Mrs J Roughyeds Gold Stick Cellar
2nd: 8131 CARRICK, Mrs Fiona & CARRICK, Miss Chimene Tessmene Tickety Boo
3rd: 8142 DRISCOLL, Mrs H Overbore Bombette For HisRiver
Res: 8136 CLINCH, Miss Victoria Elizabeth Roughyeds Regal Fairbanks
VHC: 8132 CLACK, Mr & Mrs Stephen & Elaine Molokain Hocus Pocus

Class 2508 PGB (6 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 8166 MOSKOWITZ, Mrs Andrea Louise Ravenho Mochara Cadeaux
2nd: 8137 CLINCH, Miss Victoria Elizabeth Roughyeds Hilda Ogden

Class 2509 LB (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 8173 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW
2nd: 8168 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina & PARKER-MILES, Master Henry Overbore’s Ace Of Hearts (AY1)
3rd: 8154 HAYES, Miss V J & CHATTWOOD, Miss Caron & WALTON, Mrs Lori & BIGLIN, Mrs Nancy Gorchest’s Pendlecurl’s Rising Star At Pepperiever
Res: 8159 MCKENZIE, Mrs J L Ravenho Toulouse Latresco At Beddgelert
VHC: 8147 EVANS, Mr & Mrs G & J Kukkasen Keita By Caballus (IMP FIN)

Class 2510 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8130 CARRICK, Mrs Fiona & CARRICK, Miss Chimene Tessmene The Cats Whiskers
2nd: 8140 CUMMINGS, Mrs Jean Molokain Enchanted One
3rd: 8169 PERKINS, Mr B J & Mrs S M Tengore RubyTuesday
Res: 8172 SPRAGGINS, Mr Nigel & SPRAGGINS, Mrs Sandra Tusepo Amazing Love

Class 2511 GCB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8159 MCKENZIE, Mrs J L Ravenho Toulouse Latresco At Beddgelert

Judge’s Critique:

Thank you to my steward and all exhibitors, I made the decision to move to a free ring to ensure that the breed judging could proceed timeously. While the replacement ring was smaller than the scheduled ring I felt it still offered sufficient size for the dogs to move. Pleased to see the bitches are looking more feminine with softer expressions and more feminine heads than we perhaps had in the past.

PD (4,3)
1 Arnold & Dobson, Roughyeds Regal George 7 months, black. Young male who needs to develop in chest and spring of ribs, but this will come with maturity, at the leggy stage at the moment. Pleasing wedge shaped head. Balanced in profile with good shoulder and rear angulation and level topline. Moved well when settled.
JD (6,2)
1 Finch, Molokain Doing The Do At Cetgueli JW 18 month male in excellent tightly curled coat. Well muscled and strong throughout with good bone. Good head, small neat ears well set. Correct scissor bite. Strong neck, well laid shoulders. Well sprung ribs and good depth of chest. Level topline. Sufficient rear angulation, but a little more bend of stifle would help to balance the profile picture. Moved with drive, free flowing and well handled.
2 Barber, Tonispada Vuori Vincent By Blanshard 14 month male, well bodied for age. Good lay of shoulder, forechest and spring of ribs developing. Level topline which he held on the move. Better rear angulation than 1. Good tight feet. Pleasing head but would prefer a little less length of muzzle. Moved well but not quite the drive of 1, well handled.
PGD (3,2)
1 Emery, Foxriever Midsummer Magic. I have watched this handler and dog previously, the dog can give him a hard time but he is persevering and improving. Dog was more settled in this class than first class and although he stood alone he deserved his 1st Upstanding, well boned dog in good coat, pleasing head and expression with dark eyes. Good lay of shoulder and well angulated rear. Has a level topline, but handler tends to overstretch when stacked causing topline to drop off towards croup. Movement a little erratic, but everything is there when he gets it together.
LD (7,1)
1 Clack, Bazzy Inti Anka At Molokain. Liver in good coat. Smaller build. Good head with correct scissor bite and neat ears. Good length of neck, well laid shoulders, good spring of ribs and well angulated rear. Tight feet. Moved with drive.
2 Mercer, Thomas & Whitehead, Slodki Jak Drops Z Basisfory, yearling dog, pleasing head and expression. Balanced in profile with well angulated shoulders and hindquarters and level topline. Prominent sternum but would like a little more width to forechest, which may come with age and maturity. Tight feet. Moved well with drive.
OD (6)
This class was quality from 1 to 6, probably the strongest class I have had the pleasure to judge. All could swap places on a different day, and would have been happy to award the CC/RCC to any of them.
1 Brookes, Infallibles Black Crusader At Kelsmere, 4 year male, impressive, imposing dog. Pleasing, masculine head with dark eyes. Well off for bone and well muscled. Good spring of ribs and depth of chest. Strong neck and well laid shoulders. Level topline. Good strong croup and loin and well angulated rear. Tight feet. Moved with drive and purpose. CC.
2 Parker-Miles, Tengore Mr Moonlight 3 year male. Another strong masculine dog. Very pleasing head, good eye colour, correct bite, well set ears. Good length of neck, well laid shoulders. Well sprung ribs, strong body, level topline. Well angulated rear, balancing with front assembly. Moved with drive. RCC.
VD/B (3,2)
1 Mistlin, Maycourt Starman By Crookwood ShCM. Liver male, almost 10 years old. Good head, bite showing signs of his age. Still well muscled and moves with drive. Balanced with good angulation fore and aft. Feet and nails excellent for age. Stood alone but worthy of BV.
PB (6) Six very promising puppies, I look forward to following their progress
1 Courtier, Maycourt Take Me To The Top, and I am sure she will. RCC & BP.
2 Courtier, Maycourt Cover Shot. 10 month old litter sisters. Very feminine heads and expressions. Good eye colour for coat, well set ears. Both in good coat (1 Black 2 Liver). Both well muscled with ample bone, well laid shoulders and good rear angulation. Balanced in profile. Tight feet with short nails. Forechest, depth of chest and spring of ribs well developed for age. Both moved with drive and freedom of movement. Preferred the expression of 1, but splitting hairs. In the challenge a change of handler for 1 saw her sparkle.
JB (6)
1 Findlow, Roughyeds Gold Stick Cellar. 7 months, reserve in previous class against strong competition, she was giving a lot in age in this class. Pleasing head and expression. In good coat of tight curls. Well made throughout, balanced in profile with level topline which she kept on the move. Tight feet. Moved with drive.
2 Carrick, Tessmene Tickety Boo. 15 months, dark eyes, harsher expression than 1 losing a bit of femininity. Good depth of body with ribs well let down to elbows, well angulated, would prefer more moderate rear angulation. Good coat. Movement a little loose. Would prefer tighter rear feet.
PGB (6,4)
1 Moskowitz, Ravenho Mochara Cadeaux. 18 month in excellent coat. Feminine throughout. One of the best heads of the day. Good reach to neck, good shoulder placement, good forechest and spring of rib, level topline and well angulated rear. Didn’t drive on move.
2 Clinch, Roughyeds Hilda Ogden. 4 year liver bitch, in hard well muscled condition, well angulated with good spring of ribs.  Needs to be moved a little quicker to get her into her stride, and was a little close behind. Feminine head and expression. Good coat of tight curls.
LB (8,2) Another strong class, quality bitches from 1 to 6.
1 Stephens, Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW. 18 month old, feminine bitch. Took the eye when stacked in the initial line-up, a delight to go over and flowed around the ring with an effortless gait. Pretty, wedge shaped head with correct eye colour. Strong neck of correct length, leading into well placed shoulders. Good bone. Tight feet with good short nails. Good width and depth of chest and spring of ribs. Level topline which she holds on the move. Strong, well muscled hindquarters which produce her driving movement. In good coat of tight curls. Pleased to award her crowning CC & BOB, wonderful to see her shortlisted in a strong group.
2 Parker-Miles, Overbore’s Ace Of Hearts. Balanced, elegant bitch. Lovely head with feminine expression. Dark eyes. Well angulated, with good shoulder placement. Good spring of ribs and depth of chest. Strong, well muscled rear. In good coat. Moved well with plenty of drive.
OB (5,1)
1 Carrick, Tessmene The Cats Whiskers. Good in profile, good depth and width to chest with visible forechest, good spring to ribs. Shoulders well laid back, balanced by well angulated rear. Strong level topline, with muscular loin and croup. Moved well.
2 Cummings, Molokain Enchanted One. Bitch of a larger type, but still feminine. Pleasing head and expression. Good length of neck and well placed shoulder. Good forechest and ribs. Level topline and good rear angulation. Coat of good curls. Moved with drive, but a little loose in rear movement.
GCB (1)
1 McKenzie, Ravenho Toulouse Latresco At Beddgelert. Reserve in strong Limit class, litter sister to Best of Breed and has many of her attributes. Pretty feminine head. Well angulated, with strong level topline. Well muscled. Moved with drive in both classes.

Michael Jacques, Curlabull