Ladies Kennel Association 2022

Judge: Mr R Bott (Quensha)

Best of Breed:
6814 JOHNSTONE, Mrs C & STOKES, Mr C Sh Ch Talismanic Bag of Tricks
Dog CC:
6814 JOHNSTONE, Mrs C & STOKES, Mr C Sh Ch Talismanic Bag of Tricks
Reserve Dog CC:
6801 DAVIES, Ms Roz & BRADSTOCK, Mr Lee Maycourt Kashmir Con Redanimo
Bitch CC:
6832 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Brightmeadow Who’s That Girl
Reserve Bitch CC:
6834 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Ravenho Up Town Girl for Brightmeadow
Best Puppy:
6834 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Ravenho Up Town Girl for Brightmeadow
Best Veteran:
6819 MISTLIN, Mrs Sandra Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh.CM

Class 2037 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6838 VALENTINE, Miss Fiona & VALENTINE, Mrs P Ravenho Tallow Tango At Pattonia
2nd: 6809 FINCH, Ms Sarah Molokain Doing the Do at Cetgueli
3rd: 6833 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Ravenho Looks Like Trouble for Brightmeadow

Class 2038 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6803 DOOLEY, Mrs & Mr VC & KM Rowancurl Pullman Porter
2nd: 6813 HODSON, Mrs Helen Rowancurl Gentle Gaelor
3rd: 6802 DAVIES, Ms Roz & BRADSTOCK, Mr Lee Elgar’s Enigma Tornado Beta Con Redanimo (IMP LTU)

Class 2039 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6835 STUBBS, Miss Jillian Brightmeadow Take Your Time at Densdale

Class 2040 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6801 DAVIES, Ms Roz & BRADSTOCK, Mr Lee Maycourt Kashmir Con Redanimo
2nd: 6804 EDWORTHY, Mrs M Maycourt Heartbreaker
3rd: 6837 TARELLI, Mr R M & Mrs W Firecurl Some Like It Hot At Tarockwood (ai)
Res: 6823 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina Tengore Mr Moonlight

Class 2041 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6814 JOHNSTONE, Mrs C & STOKES, Mr C Sh Ch Talismanic Bag of Tricks
2nd: 6789 BOORMAN, Miss Gill Tessmene Talk of the Town
3rd: 6836 TARELLI, Mr R M & Mrs W Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda At Tarockwood (Imp Pol)


Class 2043 VD/B (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6819 MISTLIN, Mrs Sandra Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh.CM

Class 2044 PB (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6834 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Ravenho Up Town Girl for Brightmeadow
2nd: 6817 MCKENZIE, Mrs J L Ravenho Toulouse Latresco At Beddgelert
3rd: 6841 WHITEHEAD, Mrs Denyse Jane & WHITEHEAD, Mr Andrew Stormacre Family Portrait for Foxriever NAF TAF
Res: 6811 GILL & PEAKE, Mesdames M L & A R Ravenho Midnight Miracle at Saxonholme
VHC: 6790 BUCHANAN, Ms Shirley Curlies On Wings Crossroad Glory

Class 2045 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6840 WHITEHEAD, Mrs Denyse Jane & WHITEHEAD, Mr Andrew Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (IMP EST)

Class 2046 PGB (11 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: 6812 HAYES, Miss V J & CHATTWOOD, Miss Caron & WALTON, Gorchest’s Pendlecurl’s Rising Star at Pepperiever
2nd: 6824 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina & PARKER-MILES, Master He Overbore’s Ace Of Hearts (AY1)
3rd: 6787 BAIN, Mr Leslie & BAIN, Mr Mathew Crimblescurl Time to Tango JW
Res: 6794 CHATTWOOD, Miss Caron & ALLMARK, Mr Stuart Tusepo Love Me Like you Do at Pendlecurl
VHC: 6844 WYNNE-JONES, Ms Annabel Crimblescurl Wildotter

Class 2047 LB (8 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: 6831 SPRAGGINS, Mr Nigel & SPRAGGINS, Mrs Sandra Tusepo Amazing Love
2nd: 6791 CARRICK, Mrs Fiona & CARRICK, Miss Chimene Tessmene The Cats Whiskers
3rd: 6843 WYNNE-JONES, Ms Annabel Crimblescurl Cherry
Res: 6799 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Stairway To Heaven JW

Class 2048 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6832 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Brightmeadow Who’s That Girl
2nd: 6829 SPRAGGINS, Mr Nigel & SPRAGGINS, Mrs Sandra Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo
3rd: 6843 WYNNE-JONES, Ms Annabel Crimblescurl Cherry

Class 2049 GCB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6796 CLAYTON, Mrs Joanne Firecurl Georgie Porgie

Judge’s Critique

Thank you for the super entry on my second time awarding CCs in the breed.
DCC and Best of Breed was Johnstone & Stokes’ Sh Ch Talismanic Bag of Tricks, who had won the RCC last time I had judged. My Res Dog CC was Davies & Bradstock’s, Maycourt Kashmir Con Redanimo. My Bitch CC was won by Stephens’ Brightmeadow Who’s That Girl and my Res Bitch CC and Best Puppy was Stephens’ Ravenho Up Town Girl for Brightmeadow. My Best Veteran was Mistlin’s Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh.CM

PD (3) 1 Valentine & Valentine’s Ravenho Tallow Tango At Pattonia. I liked his head and expression, coming on nicely, correct wedge shape with a pleasing eye, strong through the neck, leading on to well laid-back shoulders, good return of upper arm. Correct depth of chest and spring of rib for his age. Body of correct proportions with well-made quarters with a moderate bend of stifle. Good crisp coat. Moved very well.
2 Finch’s Molokain Doing the Do at Cetgueli. Another typy puppy but giving a bit away in maturity to the winner. His head is pleasing, good shape, needs to break but has plenty of time for that. Good through the neck and shoulder, would like a little more return of upper arm. Good angles front and rear, stands on well boned legs and good feet.
3 Stephens’ Ravenho Looks Like Trouble for Brightmeadow.

JD (3) 1 Dooley’s Rowancurl Pullman Porter. Pleasing head and expression, correct shape with a good eye. Well up for size, strong through the neck, leading on to well laid-back shoulders, good return of upper arm. Correct depth of chest and spring of rib for his age. Body of correct proportions with well-made quarters with a moderate bend of stifle. Coat with a good curl and condition. Did enough on the move.
2 Hodson’s Rowancurl Gentle Gaelor. Pleasing type, longer cast than the winner but still presented a clean outline. Head ok, well placed shoulders and strong neck. Stands on well boned legs and neat feet. Good depth in body, topline level and quarters well developed for his age. As with the winner, needs to tighten up on the move which he should do as he matures.
3 Davies & Bradstock’s Elgar’s Enigma Tornado Beta Con Redanimo (Imp Ltu).

PGD (2,1) 1 Stubbs’ Brightmeadow Take Your Time at Densdale. Masculine in head and expression. Strong through the neck, leading on to well-placed shoulders, good front construction, would like a little more lay-back in shoulder and return of upper arm. Good depth to chest. Body of correct proportions with ribs well sprung. Firm in loin and quarters well made, in good coat with tight curl. Correct moderate bend of stifle. Moved a little too fast and lost his shape on the move today.

LD (5,1) 1 Davies & Bradstock’s Maycourt Kashmir Con Redanimo. This chap has good overall balance and proportions. He has a typical head and expression with a good eye. He stands on strong well boned legs and round feet. Good through the neck into a decent lay back of shoulder and return of upper arm. Body well made, ribs well sprung and firm loin. Quarters well developed with moderately bent stifles. Coat in good condition with a tight curl. Moved out well to take the class, pleased to award him the RCC, well done.
2 Edworthy’s Maycourt Heartbreaker. This chap had good overall balance and proportions. He has a typical head and expression with a good eye and masculine expression. He stands on strong well boned legs and round feet. Good through the neck into well laid-back shoulders, needs a shade more return of upper arm. Body well made, ribs well sprung and firm loin. Quarters well developed with moderately bent stifles. Coat in good condition with a tight curl. Moved well with a good profile action but a little untidy today on the up and down.
3 Tarelli’s Firecurl Some Like It Hot At Tarockwood (ai).

OD (4,1) 1 Johnstone & Stokes’ Sh Ch Talismanic Bag of Tricks. A super dog on the stack presenting the correct outline, headpiece is good with that correct wedge shape and a good eye colour. Strong through the neck into a correctly assembled front, shoulders well set with a good return of upper arm, good straight legs. Depth to his chest, ribs well sprung and back. Correct level topline. Super well muscled quarters, stifles moderately bent, and hocks well let down. Totally together on the move with a good fluid action. Pleased to award him Dog CC and Best of Breed. I see he was my RCC winner last time I judged the breed, great to see him again in such great condition and handled to advantage.
2 Boorman’s Tessmene Talk of the Town. Liver boy, I like his head, wedge shaped and of good overall proportion and a good eye to give that typical expression. Strong neck into a good front assembly with shoulders well laid back, stands on good well boned legs. Correct through the body, enough depth to chest. Quarters developing nicely, would prefer a better finish to his croup and better tailset. Coat of good quality with tight curl. Moved out well, just not as firm in topline as the winner today.
3 Tarelli’s Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda at Tarockwood (Imp Pol)

VD/B (3,2) 1 Mistlin’s Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh.CM. Masculine in head and expression. Strong through the neck, would like a shade more lay-back in shoulder. Good depth to chest. Body of correct proportions with ribs well sprung. Powerful in loin and quarters well made, correct moderate bend of stifle. Steady mover, not in his best jacket today. Please to award him Best Veteran in Breed.

PB (6,1) 1 Stephens’ Ravenho Up Town Girl for Brightmeadow. A beautiful youngster, I really liked her, so balanced in outline, she has a feminine head and expression, well-made front with a good lay back of shoulder. Standing on good legs and super feet. Well-proportioned in the body, with a level topline. Coat in good condition with a good curl. Moved out well with drive. In the challenge she pushed really hard, and I was delighted to award her the RCC and Best Puppy in Breed.
2 Mckenzie’s Ravenho Toulouse Latresco At Beddgelert. Another nice puppy with bags of potential and I see she is litter sister to the winner. She has a lovely feminine head and expression. Good front on her, clean in neck into a decent shoulder placement. Stands on well boned legs and good feet. Enough depth of chest for her age. Body developing well with a decent rib. Quarters moderate as they should be and she has a good tail set. Moved very well, like the winner she should do well.
3 Whitehead & Whitehead’s Stormacre Family Portrait for Foxriever NAF TAF.

JB (2,1) 1 Whitehead & Whitehead’s Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (Imp Est) A lovely young black, she has a pretty head and expression, well-made front with a good lay back of shoulder and return. Standing on good legs and super feet. Well-proportioned in the body, with a level topline. Coat in good condition with a good curl. Not overkeen on the floor today so not the best of action and carrying a shade too much weight. She is a very nice type and very promising.

PGB (11,4) 1 Hayes & Chattwood & Walton’s Gorchest’s Pendlecurl’s Rising Star at Pepperiever. Another pleasing bitch with a good head on her and feminine expression. Short strong neck into a decent lay back of shoulder. Decent depth of chest to her and ribs well sprung. Moderate rear angulation. Good coat with good crisp curls. Moved well in profile true out and back.
2 Parker-Miles & Parker-Miles’ Overbore’s Ace of Hearts. The lady has a lovely head and expression, with a super eye. Good front with shoulder well placed, depth to chest and standing on good legs and feet. Well made in body, deep in rib and well back. Quarters well developed with moderately bent stifles. Very sound on the move, her young handler did a great job getting the most out of his charge.
3 Bain & Bain’s Crimblescurl Time to Tango JW.

LB (8,4) 1 Spraggins & Spraggins’ Tusepo Amazing Love. Nice type of bitch with a feminine head and expression. Strong through the neck in to well set shoulders. Good depth to chest and ribs well sprung. Standing on good legs and feet. Good through the body with a firm topline. Strong hindquarters. Super true mover with good footfall in the class. In the challenge I thought she would be my winner, but she threw in the towel on the move and just wouldn’t cooperate which was a pity.
2 Carrick & Carrick’s Tessmene the Cats Whiskers. Black bitch of good type, a shade longer than the winner. Head pleasing with a kind expression. Good in neck into well laid-back shoulders would like a little more return of upper arm. Good through the body with firm loin. Quarters well developed, with moderately bent stifles. Coat in good condition with a tight curl. Move Ok, good in profile but a shade untidy in front action today.
3 Wynne-Jones’ Crimblescurl Cherry.

OB (3) 1 Stephens’ Brightmeadow Who’s That Girl. Liver bitch with a pretty head and expression which was enhanced by a lovely eye. Strong through the neck in to well set shoulders, good well boned legs, and neat feet. Good deep chest on her, ribs well sprung and a firm loin, level topline. Well-made rear with good angulation, moderately bent stifles and hock well let down. Super coat on her with a tight curl. Moved out well. Delighted to award her the Bitch CC.
2 Spraggins & Spraggins’ Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo. Another good one, I liked the head piece on this Liver, correct wedge shape and a lovely melting expression. Good eye shape and colour. Well made front assembly with strong neck in to correctly set shoulders. Super straight front and well boned legs and correct feet. Quarters well developed, just falls off a little over the croup. Stifles well bent. In super coat with a tight curl. Moved out well but not quite as fluid as the winner today.
3 Wynne-Jones’ Crimblescurl Cherry.

GCB (1) 1 Clayton’s Firecurl Georgie Porgie. Liver bitch with a feminine head and expression, good through the neck into a decent front assembly. Well made in body, well ribbed up and firm in loin. Moderate quarters. Needs more drive on the move and today left her best jacket at home.

Richard Bott