Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland 2022

Judge: Agnes Murphy (Silvora) STKCA

Best of Breed:
446 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look Sh.CM
Dog CC:
449 TARELLI, Mr R M & Mrs W Firecurl Some Like It Hot At Tarockwood (ai)
Reserve Dog CC:
440 BARBER, Mrs Heather S. & BARBER, Miss Beatrix & BARBER, Miss Harriott Foxriever Picture Perfect For Blanshard
Bitch CC:
446 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look Sh.CM
Reserve Bitch CC:
442 CUMMINGS, Mrs Jean Molokain Enchanted One
Best Veteran:
446 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look Sh.CM
Best Special Beginner:
441 BUCHANAN, Ms Shirley Fleetpaw First Lady




Class 209 LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 449 TARELLI, Mr R M & Mrs W Firecurl Some Like It Hot At Tarockwood (ai)

Class 210 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 440 BARBER, Mrs Heather S. & BARBER, Miss Beatrix & BARBER, Miss Harriott Foxriever Picture Perfect For Blanshard
2nd: 448 TARELLI, Mr R M & Mrs W Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda At Tarockwood (Imp Pol)
3rd: 447 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Myosotisis Glenfiddich at Brightmeadow (Imp Nld)





Class 215 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 439 BAIN, Mr Leslie & BAIN, Mr Mathew Crimblescurl Time to Tango JW
2nd: 441 BUCHANAN, Ms Shirley Fleetpaw First Lady

Class 216 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 442 CUMMINGS, Mrs Jean Molokain Enchanted One

Class 217 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 450 TODD, Mr D & RAHMAN, MR MD & BATLLE, MR Anton Sh Ch Jeweller’s Pride Jurajska Gwiazda (imp Pol)
2nd: 443 SPRAGGINS, Mr Nigel & SPRAGGINS, Mrs Sandra Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo
3rd: 445 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Brightmeadow Who’s That Girl

Class 218 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 446 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look Sh.CM

Class 219 SBB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 441 BUCHANAN, Ms Shirley Fleetpaw First Lady

Judge’s Critique

Thank you to the committee and exhibitors of the show for such a lovely day and thank you to my steward also. It was very emotional to be judging one of my beloved breeds again. I found a great variation in type, especially heads as some were very narrow in skull and, at the opposite end, a few were a little heavy in that department. Coats, on the whole, were good although I felt that some dogs could have been trimmed a little tighter to give a cleaner outline. Size is another area that I found to vary quite a bit too. I have been surprised over the last few years to see that temperaments have edged towards the nervous side on a few occasions and do hope that this is not going to be a hallmark of the breed in years to come as these are our breeding stock. There were a few novice exhibitors with pretty decent stock that were sound and of good temperament who just need a bit more experience in handling their dogs to give the best account of their virtues. Thank you exhibitors for bringing your dogs in clean condition. Apologies for the delay in posting.

Limit Dog[1,0abs]
1 Mr R M and Mrs W Tarelli’s Firecurl Some Like It Hot at Tarockwood.
This was a nice type of liver with a decent, tight crisp coat. What a super front end this boy possesses. He has correctly angulated shoulders and upper arm resulting in a prominent forechest and giving him enough neck length. He is very eye catching in profile and shows a firm topline, well sprung ribcage and deep body. His hind angulation gave an overall balanced picture with his front and everything was in proportion. I liked the fact that he is not over angulated as, I feel this is creeping into the breed on occasion, but his was adequate and correct. He is a powerfully built dog but not too overdone. To be a little critical, his head was slightly on the strong side for me but was not coarse and he also has a decent eye of good colour and expression. This dog won me over when moving today with his soundness and good action especially when viewed from behind. Today he deserved his CC.

Open Dog [3,0abs]
1 Mrs H S, Miss B and Miss H Barber’s Foxriever Picture Perfect For Blanshard.
This dog is very striking as he comes into the ring with his very able handler. He is quite a showman. I would prefer a little more of his head to give him that unmistakable curly wedge shape but he has a kind eye and it is of a dark enough colour with no loose rims. He is very sure of himself when stacked, showing a level topline and strong loin. I would prefer a bit more return of upper arm to bring his forehand a little more under him. He has a strong neck of good length. His hindquarters are adequately angulated and were well muscled. Presentation was super. On the move he took off with purpose and showed plenty of drive as he went round. Res. CC.

2 Mr R M and Mrs W Tarelli’s Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda at Tarockwood.
This black had good body properties and had strong, well made bone however, I felt that his coat is rather loose and he could do with a little more turn of stifle to improve his outline. He is of a good type and head shape but lost out on hind movement today.

3 Mr and Mrs J and M B Stephens Myosotisis Glenfiddich at Brightmeadow.

Post Graduate Bitch [2,0abs]
1 Mr L and Mr M Bain’s Crimblecurl Time To Tango
This is a lovely bitch to go over with very pretty, feminine head of good proportions. She has a super expression with kind, well shaped eye. I would like to see her grow on a little and think, with maturity, she could be a future star. I would like her coat a little more tailored to enhance her outline but it is of a lovely, crisp texture. She has tight, well formed feet and can use her correct shoulders and hindquarters on the move to show reach and drive. Nice exhibit.

2 Ms S Buchanan’s Fleetpaw First Lady
This liver bitch was a little unco operative for her handler. She has a reasonable head shape but is a little hard in her expression. Her strong neck flows into her well laid back shoulders and she has adequate bone for a bitch. Her body properties were good but she let herself down on the move as she was not driving efficiently. I am sure with more confidence and training she will be able to show herself off.

Limit Bitch [2,1abs]
1 Mrs J Cumming’s Molokain Enchanted One
She is a beautiful type of black with that lovely wedge shaped head. No coarseness or lacking quality here. I also feel she has the type of feminine head that is becoming lost in the breed. She has lovely substance and depth of brisket with well sprung ribs. The balance of this bitch is correct with front and hind angulation that are complimentary to each other. I would like her coat a little tighter to show off her beautiful outline and a little more positive handling however I understand the handler had fallen badly earlier. This bitch, in the right circumstances and with better handling, should get made up I am sure. Res. CC.

Open Bitch [3,0 abs]
1 Mr D Todd, Mr M D Rhaman and Mr Anton Battle. Sh Ch Jeweller’s Pride Jurajska Gwiazda
Not the smallest of bitches but certainly of quality. Her head is not coarse in skull but I would prefer a little more fill in foreface. She has a lovely scissor bite. Her body properties are good however, for me she runs up a little on her undercarriage. She is a very elegant bitch who can show plenty of reach and drive on the move but feel her outline is spoiled by stringing her up when stacked.

2 Mr N and Mrs S Spraggin’s ShCh Maycourt Hot Love At Tusepo
I have admired this bitch before from the ringside but felt she did not give her all today. She has a correctly proportioned head with plenty to like about it. On examination there are lots of virtues about her to like and she has a crisp coat that was well presented. I felt she was a little stilted in her hind movement today unfortunately.

3 Mr and Mrs J and M B Stephen’s Brightmeadow Who’s That Girl.

Veteran Bitch [1,0abs]
1 Mr and Mrs J and M B Stephen’ s ShCh Brightmeadow Just One Look.
What a star this veteran girl was. Everything was there for me in the correct proportions. What a super, black, tightly curled coat she has which was well presented. She had well knuckled feet her typical feminine curly head reminded me of what we are losing unfortunately. Her front angulation, low set hocks and correct turn of stifle enabled her to go round the ring freely with plenty of drive and using her lovely lashing tail. CC, BOB

Special Beginners [1.0abs]
1 Ms S Buchanan’s Fleetpaw First Lady.

Agnes Murphy