East of England 2022

Judge: Anthony Allen

Best of Breed:
SOLOMON, Mr K & Mrs M, Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar
Best Dog:
SOLOMON, Mr K & Mrs M, Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar
Reserve Best Dog:
MILLER & MILLICHAMP, Mr P & Mrs B, Foxriever Solent Sensation at Wightcurls
Best Bitch:
WHITEHEAD, Mr A M & Mrs D J, Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (Imp Est) NAF TAF
Reserve Best Bitch
WHITEHEAD, Mr A M & Mrs D J, Foxriever Striking Spirit
Best Puppy:
WHITEHEAD, Mr A M & Mrs D J, Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (Imp Est) NAF TAF
Best Special Beginners:
BAINES & HAWLEY-CLARK, Mr P A & Ms R A, Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory (Imp Pol)

Class 2316 Post Graduate Dog: Entries 1, Absentees 0
1st: BAINES & HAWLEY-CLARK, Mr P A & Ms R A, Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory (Imp Pol)

Class 2317 Limit Dog: Entries 2, Absentees 0
1st: MILLER & MILLICHAMP, Mr P & Mrs B, Foxriever Solent Sensation at Wightcurls
2nd: BAINES & HAWLEY-CLARK, Mr P A & Ms R A, Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory (Imp Pol)

Class 2318 Open Dog: Entries 1, Absentees 0
1st: SOLOMON, Mr K & Mrs M, Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar

Class 2320 Special Beginners Dog: Entries 1, Absentees 0
1st: BAINES & HAWLEY-CLARK, Mr P A & Ms R A, Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory (Imp Pol)

Class 2321 Puppy Bitch: Entries 1, Absentees 0
1st: WHITEHEAD, Mr A M & Mrs D J, Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (Imp Est) NAF TAF

Class 2322 Junior Bitch: Entries 1, Absentees 0
1st: WHITEHEAD, Mr A M & Mrs D J, Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (Imp Est) NAF TAF

Class 2324 Limit Bitch Entries 1, Absentees 0
1st: WHITEHEAD, Mr A M & Mrs D J, Foxriever Striking Spirit

Judge’s Critique

Thank you for bringing some lovely dogs for me to go over. I was pleased to see that my BD, RBD and RBB were all out of my Best of Breed last time I judged the breed – Sh Ch Kelsmere Kamana at Foxriver, she has certainly proved she is both beautiful and a super brood.

My Best Dog and Best of Breed was Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar (Mr K & Mrs M Solomon) and my Reserve Best Dog his half-brother Foxriever Solent Sensation at Wightcurls (Mr P & Ms B Miller & Millichamp). My Best Bitch and Best Puppy was Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (Imp Est) NAF TAF (Mr A M & Mrs D J Whitehead) and my Reserve Best Bitch Foxriever Striking Spirit (Mr A M & Mrs D J Whitehead). My Best Special Beginners Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory (Imp Pol) (Mr P A & Ms R A Baines & Hawley-Clarke)

Post Graduate Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory (Imp Pol) (Mr P A & Ms R A Baines & Hawley-Clarke)
Pleasing head and expression, correct shape with a pleasing eye. Well up for size, strong through the neck, leading on to well laid-back shoulders, good return of upper arm. Correct depth of chest and spring of ribs for his age. Body of correct proportions with well-made quarters with a moderate bend of stifle. Coat of with a good curl and condition. Did enough on the move.

Limit Dog Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place Foxriever Solent Sensation at Wightcurls (Mr P & Ms B Miller & Millichamp)
Liver dog with good overall balance and proportions. He has a typical head and expression with a good eye and masculine expression. He stands on strong well boned legs and round feet. Good through the neck into well laid-back shoulders and a decent return of upper arm. Body well made, ribs well sprung and firm loin. Quarters well developed with moderately bent stifles. Coat in good condition with a tight curl. Moved well with a good profile action, held his top line well throughout just not giving his all on this warm day. Reserve Best Dog.

2nd Place Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory (Imp Pol) (Mr P A & Ms R A Baines & Hawley-Clarke)

Open Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar (Mr K & Mrs M Solomon)
Two and half year-old boy, masculine in head and expression. Strong through the neck, leading on to well-placed shoulders, good front construction, good depth to chest. Body of correct proportions with ribs well sprung. Powerful in loin and quarters well made, in super coat with tight curl. Correct moderate bend of stifle. Moved with drive, good in profile, would have like a little more enthusiasm but it was a hot day. Pleased to award him Best Dog and later Best of Breed.

Special Beginners Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place Karnawalowy Drink Z Basisfory (Imp Pol) (Mr P A & Ms R A Baines & Hawley-Clarke)

Puppy Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (Imp Est) NAF TAF (Mr A M & Mrs D J Whitehead)
What a little charmer she is, lovely young black, nine months old and has a feminine head and expression, well-made front with a good lay back of shoulder. Standing on good legs and super feet. Well-proportioned in the body, with a level topline. Coat in good condition with a good curl. Did enough on the move and once she settled, she had a good driving action. She is a very nice type and very promising. Delighted to award her Best Bitch and Best Puppy in Breed.

Junior Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (Imp Est) NAF TAF (Mr A M & Mrs D J Whitehead)

Limit Bitch Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place Foxriever Striking Spirit (Mr A M & Mrs D J Whitehead)
A lovely bitch who has a super outline on the stack but just wasn’t happy today. Head pleasing with a kind expression. Good in neck into well laid-back shoulders with a good return of upper arm. Good through the body with firm loin. Quarters well developed, with moderately bent stifles. Coat in good condition with a tight curl. Reserve Best Bitch

Anthony Allen