Birmingham National 2021
Judge: Dr Ruth Barbour
Class 313 SBD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 892 CLAYTON, Miss A Lizallwood Mr Bojangles
Class 315 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 892 CLAYTON, Miss A Lizallwood Mr Bojangles
2nd: 896 EDWORTHY, Mrs M Maycourt Heartbreaker
3rd: 926 STUBBS, Miss J Brightmeadow Take Your Time at Densdale
Class 316 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 896 EDWORTHY, Mrs M Maycourt Heartbreaker
2nd: 921 SOLOMON, Mr K & SOLOMON, Mrs Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar
Class 317 YD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
3rd: 910 PARKER-MILES, Mrs S Tengore Mr Moonlight
Class 318 PGD (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 928 TARELLI, Mrs W & TARELLI, Mr R Firecurl Some Like It Hot At Tarockwood (ai)
2nd: 918 RULE, Mrs J M & RULE, Mr K Just The Ticket Jurajska Gwiazda at Overbore
3rd: 906 MILLICHAMP, Mrs B J & MILLER, Mr P Foxriever Solent Sensation At Wightcurls
Res: 920 SCOTT, Ms C Brightmeadow Cool Hand Luke
Class 319 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 894 DRISCOLL, Mrs H Fleetpaw One For Arthur at HisRiver
2nd: 927 TARELLI, Mrs W & TARELLI, Mr R Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda At Tarockwood (Imp
3rd: 902 HALL, Ms D Kandrelli Black Winged Kite over Ghilgrange
Res: 905 MASSON, Mr K Tessmene Summer Solstice
Class 320 OD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 922 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW Sh.CM
2nd: 929 TITLEY, Mr N T & Fleetpaw Wondering Star
Class 321 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 909 MISTLIN, Mrs S Maycourt Starman by Crookwood
2nd: 907 MILLICHAMP, Mrs B J & MILLER, Mr P Curlabull iron lion zion Sh.CM
Class 323 MPB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 890 BAIN, Mr L & BAIN, Mr M Crimblescurl Time to Tango
Class 324 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 890 BAIN, Mr L & BAIN, Mr M Crimblescurl Time to Tango
2nd: 904 JONES, Mr A & Mrs E Lizallwood Peggy Sue
3rd: 924 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J Brightmeadow Take One Look
Class 325 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 2
Class 326 YB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
Class 327 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 901 FINDLOW, Mr A & Mrs J Roughyeds Audrey Roberts
2nd: 895 EDEN, Mrs L Roughyeds Minnie Caldwell
3rd: 912 PERKINS, Mr B J & Mrs S Tengore RubyTuesday
Res: 916 RULE, Mrs J M & RULE, Mr K Overbore’s Perfect Storm
Class 328 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 923 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J Brightmeadow Who’s That Girl
Class 329 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 903 JAMES, Miss T Sh Ch Kahawei Teal JW
Class 330 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 925 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look Sh.CM
Judge’s Critique:
It’s 7 years since I last judged this breed and it was encouraging to see so many entered. Overall, I was impressed with the quality. The BOB is truly outstanding. Hindquarters and hind movement were generally better than in times past and there was only one exhibit with a bare patch (on its tail). Front movement was a common problem. There were more livers than I’ve ever had in an entry before. Temperament was problematic in that several exhibits seemed spooked by the indoor, rather noisy hall with a lot of echo. The problem, not a new one for the breed, was more noticeable in the bitch classes. Some of these were perhaps encountering such conditions for the first time and would have been fine in an outside venue.
SBD (1) 1 Clayton’s Lizallwood Mr Bojangles. Promising 10 month liver. Very outgoing. Darker eye colour than many livers. Well laid shoulders. Good topline. Good coat. Moved well with truly reach and drive. Best Puppy.
PD (3) 1 L Bojangles. 2 Edworthy’s Maycourt Heartbreaker. Promising 11 month old. Nice outline. Promising but still has a lot of maturing to do. Today I preferred the winner’s shoulders. 3 Stubbs’s Brightmeadow Take Your Time At Densdale.
JD (3, 1) 1 M Heartbreaker. 2 Solomon’s Foxriever Mistic Marvel At Elkysar. Upstanding dog. At the moment looks rather long in proportion to height. Could benefit from a little more weight. Preferred winner’s hind movement.
YD (1) 1 & 2 withheld. 3 Parker-Miles’ Tengore Mr Moonlight.
PGD (6, 2) 1 Tarelli’s Firecurl Some Like It Hot At Tarockwood. Good overall balance. Pleasing expression. Neat feet. Good coat. Very positive mover displaying good reach and drive. Res Dog CC. 2 Rule’s Just The Ticket Jurajska Gwiazda At Overbore. Smaller dog. Attractive head and expression. Neat ears. Tight feet. Preferred the winner’s hind movement. 3 Millichamp & Miller’s Foxriever Solent At Wightcurls.
LD (5, 1) 1 Driscoll’s Fleetpaw One For Arthur At HisRiver. Well proportioned liver. Nice dark eye toning with coat colour. Deep brisket. Good spring of rib. Strong hindquarters. Covered the ground well when moving. 2 Tarelli’s Hunter’s Pride Jurajska Gwiazda At Tarockwood. Pleasing in outline showing good balance. Strong head. Preferred the winner’s movement. 3 Hall’s Kandrelli Black Winged Kite Over Ghilgrange.
OD (2) 1 Stephens’ Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die. Truly outstanding Curlie. One of those great dogs who can be appreciated as a whole. When viewed in profile every part is in proportion and, on the move, head, topline and tail flow as one. A very sensible, calm dog who makes the most of himself. Particularly good lay of shoulder. Strong, very well muscled hindquarters. Excellent coat. Really excelled when, later, moving round the large group ring he displayed to full advantage his smooth, apparently effortless movement which with his excellent reach such excellent ground covering movement. Dog CC, BOB. Pleased to see him later win the Gundog Group. 2 Titley’s Fleetpaw Wondering Star. Mature, soundly constructed dog. Plenty of substance and bone. Not perhaps making the most of himself today and just generally outclassed by the outstanding winner.
VD (2) 1 Mistlin’s Maycourt Starman By Crookwood. Well made 7 year old liver. Preferred his neck and shoulders. Moving freely. Best Veteran. 2 Millichamp & Miller’s Curlabull Iron Lion Zion. At 9 years of age beginning to show the effects of passing time.
MPB (2,1) 1 Bain’s Crimblescurl Time To Tango. Lively 9 month old black, Nice outline. Good balance. Today front movement could have been better.
PB (4, 1) 1 C Time To Tango. 2 Jones’ Lizallwood Peggy Sue. Promising liver. Typical head and expression. Overall good balance. Could carry less weight which would perhaps help her movement. 3 Stephens’ Brightmeadow Take One Look.
PGB (4) 1 Finlow’s Roughyeds Audrey Roberts. 2 Eden’s Roughyeds Minnie Caldwell. Close decision between these very typical curlies. I preferred the winner’s movement and the second was not putting all in to showing as the class went on. 3 Perkins’ Tengore RubyTuesday.
LB (2, 1) 1 Stephens’ Brightmeadow Who’s That Girl. Lovely liver bitch. Pleasing head. Good body. Strong hindquarters moved with drive and reach. Could perhaps carry a little less weight and another who was perhaps not making the most of herself.
OB (3, 2) 1 James’ Sh Ch Kahawei Teal. Really liked this bitch. Impressive, typical Curlie profile. Good forechest and topline. Excellent coat. Moved very well. Bitch CC.
VB (2, 1) 1 Stephens’ Sh Ch Brightmeadow Just One Look. Eight year old. In excellent condition. Pleasing head and expression. Deep, well sprung ribs. Good feet. Preferred CC winner’s hind action. Res CC.
Ruth Barbour