Bath 2024

27 May 2024

Judge: Mrs S Tagg

Best of Breed:
6323 - Kahawei Catch The Stars Over Stormacre (Misses C & L A Mercer & Thomas)
Dog CC:
6309 - Sh Ch Tessmene Talk Of The Town (Miss G Boorman)
Reserve Dog CC:
6326 - Tengore Mr Moonlight (Mrs Parker-Miles)
Bitch CC:
6323 - Kahawei Catch The Stars Over Stormacre (Misses C & L A Mercer & Thomas)
Reserve Bitch CC:
6336 - Sh Ch Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW (Mr J & Mrs M B Stephens)
Best Puppy:
6313 - Epsilon Adhara At Molokain (Mrs ED & Mr E & Mr ST Clack & Eddery & Clack)

Class 2672. Puppy Dog
Entries: 2 Absentees: 2

Class 2673. Junior Dog
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place 6322 – Kahawei Sea The Stars (Miss T James)
2nd Place 6310 – Kahawei Star Catcher (Miss G & Mr A Boorman & Brown)

Class 2674. Post Graduate Dog
Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st Place 6325 – Foxriever Solent Solstice At Wightcurls (Mr P & Ms B Miller & Millichamp)

Class 2675. Limit Dog
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place 6321 – Rowancurl Gentle Gaelor (Mrs H M Hodson)
2nd Place 6324 – Foxriever Solent Sensation At Wightcurls (Mr P & Ms B Miller & Millichamp)
3rd Place 6331 – Tessmene Top Notch By Kagemusha (Mr R & Ms G Richards & Flaher)

Class 2676. Open Dog
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place 6309 – Sh Ch Tessmene Talk Of The Town (Miss G Boorman)
2nd Place 6326 – Tengore Mr Moonlight (Mrs Parker-Miles)
3rd Place 6311 – Bazzy Inti Anka At Molokain (Imp Cze) (Mr ST & Mrs ED Clack)
Reserve 6317 – Maycourt Heartbreaker (Mrs M Edworthy)

Class 2677. Special Beginners
Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Class 2678. Veteran
Entries: 1 Absentees: 1

Class 2679. Puppy Bitch
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st Place 6313 – Epsilon Adhara At Molokain (Mrs ED & Mr E & Mr ST Clack & Eddery & Clack)
2nd Place 6333 – Brightmeadow Come On Eileen (Mr J & Mrs M B Stephens)

Class 2680. Junior Bitch
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place 6323 – Kahawei Catch The Stars Over Stormacre (Misses C & L A Mercer & Thomas)
2nd Place 6328 – Maycourt Miss Sweetness At Tengore (Mr B J & Mrs S M Perkins)
3rd Place 6313 – Epsilon Adhara At Molokain (Mrs ED & Mr E & Mr ST Clack & Eddery & Clack)
Reserve 6314 – Maycourt Cover Shot (Miss D M Courtier)

Class 2681. Post Graduate Bitch
Entries: 3 Absentees: 2
1st Place 6315 – Maycourt Take Me Top The Top (Miss D M Courtier)

Class 2682. Limit Bitch
Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Place 6312 – Molokain Hocus Pocus (Mr ST & Mrs ED Clack)
2nd Place 6327 – Overbore’s Ace Of Hearts (Mrs S & Mr H Parker-Miles)

Class 2683. Open Bitch
Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st Place 6336 – Sh Ch Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW (Mr J & Mrs M B Stephens)
2nd Place 6332 – Tusepo Amazing Love (Mr N & Mrs S D Spraggins)

Judge’s Critique:
I thoroughly enjoyed my first appointment in awarding CC’s in Curly Coated Retrievers. Thank you to the exhibitors who entered their precious dogs. I would also like to thank the Bath Committee for inviting me and providing a ring of superb quality as well as excellent stewards.
JD (2)
1 James Kahawei Sea The Stars, 13 month liver with good presence. Very well -balanced young man. Lovely wedge shaped head with good pigment and a dark eye. Strong neck, leading to well laid back shoulders. Good bone and very tight feet. Moved well. Shown in excellent coat.
2 Boorman & Brown Kahawei Star Catcher, litter brother with some similar attributes. Slightly stronger in the head. Had correct front angulation but not as strong in the rear as 1.
PGD (2,1)
1 Miller & Millichamp Foxriever Solent Solstice At Wightcurls, Black nearly 2 year old. Looks stunning in profile, with good layback of shoulder leading to a level topline. Correct tailset. Handsome head with correct stop and a dark eye. Shown in good coat. Unfortunately his rear movement let him down today in the challenge.
LD (3)
1 Hodson Rowancurl Gentle Gaelor, black shown is good coat. Another balanced outline with nothing overdone in any way. Head in good proportion. Well placed ears. Deep chest and short loin. Well muscled on the rear. Moved the best in this class.
2 Miller & Millichamp Foxriever Solent Sensation At Wightcurls, liver dog. Slightly to strong in the head for me. Well laid back shoulders leading to a level topline and correct tail set. Good bone. Happy showman and moved OK.
3 Richards & Flaher Tessmene Top Notch By Kagemusha
OD (4)
1 Boorman SH CH Tessmene Talk Of The Town, 4 year old liver, show in good coat with lovely crisp curls. He stood out in the class due to his super balance and correct angulation. Lovely deep chest. Good bone. Well muscled hindquarters. Moved very well to win the class. Pleased to award him the CC.
2 Parker-Miles Tengore Mr Moonlight, unlucky to meet 1st today. Was knit picking to separate them. Another well balanced dog that was impeccably handled. Lovely front angulation, good straight forelegs. Did not drive as well from the rear which cost him the class. However, he thoroughly deserved the RCC.
PB (2)
1 Clack, Eddery & Clack Epsilon Adhara At Molokain, 10 month old liver. Shown in excellent dark liver coat with lovely tight curls. Well balanced feminine head. Neat well set ears. Body in good proportion and was well balanced for such a young bitch. Good feet. Moved well to take the class and BPIB.
2 Stephens Brightmeadow Come On Eileen, lovely baby with lots to like. The correct stage of development for her age. Has good front and rear angulation which showed on the move. Pretty head, dark eye. Good bone.
JB (4)
1 Mercer & Thomas Kahawei Catch The Stars Over Stormacre, wow! What a super girl – up to size black youngster, shown in excellent coat. Lovely head with a flat skull and slight stop. Small well set on ears. Dark eye and a lovely expression. Well shaped body, with strong topline and short strong loin. Well muscled hind quarters and the correct turn of stifle. Moved with great reach and drive, which not only won her the class but the BCC and then I was thrilled to award her BOB.
2 Perkins Maycourt Miss Sweetness At Tengore, another lovely bitch with such a pretty head. Correct bone and lovely feet. Body in proportion with short loin. Looks stunning in profile on the move. Did not have the coat of the winner today.
3 Clack, Eddery & Clack Epsilon Adhara At Molokain
PGB (1,2)
1 Courtier Maycourt Take Me To The Top, had good coat on her good wedged shape head. Strong neck and well set on ears. Good size. Moved well from the front but not so strong rear movement.
LB (3,1) Difficult class to judge. Two very different bitches with different attributes.
1 Clack Molokain Hocus Pocus, well balanced bitch, all in proportion. Not over done in anyway. Coat OK. Won this class on her movement.
2 Parker-Miles Overbore’s Ace Of Hearts, very well balanced bitch with the correct balance. She is of good type with a lovely view in profile. Good dark eye and neat ears. I feel she did not move her best today.
OB (4,2) Another challenging class.
1 Stephens SH CH Ravenho Up Town Girl For Brightmeadow JW, quality black bitch of almost 2 years. Very mature for her age. Presented very well. Good layback of shoulder. Good depth of chest and short loin. Well muscled. Moved with reach and drive. Preferred the head of my CC winner. Pleased to award her the RCC.
2 Spraggins Tusepo Amazing Love – more substantial liver bitch. She has a beautiful, well balanced head and expression. Good bone, deep chest with well sprung ribs. Shown in good coat. Lovely overall balance but lost out on movement today.
Suzi Tagg