Curly Comms

Week Ending: 09/07/2023

What a brilliant weekend we all had at the Curly Coated Retriever Club Championship Show and Fun Day, it was great to see so many people there.

On Friday night Nigel & Wendy went to get fish & chips for everyone camping at the venue, they were lovely and the shop had a great name –  ‘Oh My Cod!’ There was ofcourse sausages for Curlies too.

I have to admit the weather was a little challenging at times, but we had alternative arrangements in place, and I think we all managed. On Saturday with the Champ Show judging we got right the way through to the Open Bitch Class before the heavens opens, and boy did it rain! But we moved to the indoor ring and the judging continued. One or two people commented that there aren’t many breeds that could ‘keep calm and carry on’ in a thunder storm….

Afterwards a number of us had a go at the Scurry. It was still raining…. and there were some very ‘curly‘ curly coats after that.

On Saturday night we had a barbeque, and a bit of a social gathering. It was raining intially so we took shelter under the caravan awnings, and it did dry up a bit later on. Everyone enjoyed their meal, and we sampled some very nice Mermaid Gin from the Isle of Wight.

On Sunday, it was a lovely sunny morning, and the weather held until all the activities finished.

A message from the CCRC Committee…
A huge thank you to all that supported the fun day and to all those that helped behind the scenes, special thanks to Anne Russell for the Rally demo, Heather Barber for the Working Demo, Jill Stubbs for the Grooming Demo and Aly Clayton for the Scurry and Curly Olympics. A hugely enjoyable weekend and lovely to meet some of our newer members and we hope everyone had fun despite the storms.

Club News

Club Committee Meeting, 21 June 2023
Following the Committee meeting, held by Zoom on the 21 June, an email has subsequently been sent to all club members on 4 July 2023. This confirms that highlights of the discussions will be issued by email after each meeting. The highlights will also shortly be available in the ‘Club’ pages of this website.

BAD & A3 Seminar
Another reminder for those interested that we are holding a Breed Appreciation Day (BAD) on Saturday 23rd September 2023, at Chelford Village Hall, Knutsford Road, Chelford, Macclesfield, SK11 9AS. Please contact Caron Chattwood, Breed Education Co-Ordinator, for more details.

Champ Shows

East of England Championship Show, 7 July 2023
Judge: Michael Blay

Best Dog – Mr K & Mrs M Solomon, Foxriever Mystic Marvel At Elkysar
The full results can be found here on the Show Results page.

Curly Coated Retriever Club Championship Show, 8 July 2023
Judge: Mr Colin MacKay (Woodglade)

What a fantastic entry for our flagship show of the year – 68/87 dogs.
Mrs Helen Hodson’s ‘Buddy’ – Rowancurl Gentle Gaelor won Best In Show and his first challenge certificate. Buddy was bred by Geoff & Jackie Evans, and a very proud and emotional Jackie told us –  it had been on her bucket list to breed a puppy that was of such a standard it would win a CC.

The other principal winners were:
Reserve Best In Show –  Mrs S Parker-Miles, Tengore Mr Moonlight
Best Opposite Sex In Show – Ms D Courtier, Maycourt Stairway To Heaven JW, also winning her second CC
Best Puppy In Show –  Mrs F and Miss C Carrick, Tessmene Tickety Boo
Reserve Best Puppy In Show –  Miss L Hawtin, Tessmene Twist And Shout
Best Veteran In Show – Mrs S D Mistlin, Maycourt Starman By Crookwood ShCM
Reserve Best Veteran In Show – Mr A M & Mrs D J Whitehead, Sh Ch Kelsmere Kamana For Foxriever ShCM

The full results can be found here on the Show Results page. Photos will be added later.


The Curly Coated Retriever Club Fun Day, 8 July 2023

Heather Barber gave a Working demo – Heather had a few more participants than her usual training sessions with 19 Curlies taking part. Everyone was keen to learn and were lucky to receive individual taylored tips and advice on how to progress with their Curly.

Jill Stubbs gave a Grooming demo – Jill’s top tip – remember folks it’s important to trim the curly coat when it’s wet and to cut in a downward direction to the body. Amongst others Jill trimmed three sibling puppies who she said were very well behaved – certainly a family affair and well done to those youngsters.

Anne Russell gave a Rally demo – Anne said the most important thing about Rally is it’s meant to be fun, and it really was… For those who hadn’t tried Rally before Anne took handler and Curly around the course, explained the rules and gave information on how to interpret the Rally signs. Then the handler/curly teams were let loose to try the course themselves. So many of them commented on how enjoyable they found it. Anne provided those interested with advice about accessing Rally training in their areas.

Aly Clayton did the Scurry & Curly Olympics – catch the biscuit, balance a sausage on the dogs nose, and temptation alley…

Scurry Winners Day 1
Nigel and Nornie, Nigel told us that Nornie last won in 2017 with a time of 9.15 seconds, 6 years later she had a time of 9.66. There’s no stopping that girl…

Scurry Winners Day 2
Katy and Norrie, with a very speedy 9 seconds!

Curly Olympic Champion
Katy and Norrie

Even the kids had a go in the Scurry, and had a great time, the final placings were:

1st Reuben
2nd Bonnie
3rd Arlo

Good Citizen Award Achievements
Karol Riva told us that J”ager, Tessmene Rock That Look, has achieved his Bronze Good Citizen Award, at just 10 months old.
Well done J”ager!

The Working Curly
The United Retriever Club’s Specified Breeds Test takes place on 23 July 2023, and entries are now open. The breeds included are, Irish Water Spaniels, Curly Coated Retrievers, Chesapeake Bay Retrievers and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers.
Please consider putting in an entry as support is needed to ensure the test becomes an annual event for the URC Working Test calendar. If you have any questions please contact Caron Chattwood, by emailing: