Curly Comms
This week saw us at National Champ show on the Coronation weekend. A picnic had been organised by Aly Clayton and as usual the Curly Contingent rose to the occasion and brought a fabulous spread which covered two tables. Not only that but red, white and blue clothing was the order of the day which made for a bright and colourful day. Curly Coated Retriever Club Chairman, Nigel Spraggins outdid himself with his very natty Union Jack waistcoat. This fabulous photo was taken by ‘Alan Seymour Photography’
You will find the show results here
Please note the results on Higham Press seem to be incorrect, so will differ slightly from what you see on this link, this is currently being addressed.
Congratulations to all those in the cards and especially Wendy & Richard Tarelli and Deco, and Nigel & Sandra Spraggins and Merry, on winning their First CC’s.
On sale this weekend were the rather lovely Coronation Tea Towels and Tote Bags. A steal at £15 for the two (or £10 each). Lots of folks picked theirs up at the show, but don’t worry they will also be available at SKC and Curly Champ Show. However if you wish to have them posted please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Following a consultation between our Breed Health Co-ordinator, on behalf of the Curly Coated Retriever Club, and the Royal Kennel Club a new official DNA test reporting scheme for Exercise-Induced Collapse (EIC) has been approved. More information is available on the Curly Health Page
Banbury and District, 1 May 2023
Judge: Lesley Hipgrave
1st Miss E Huckle, Foxriever Storm Cloud
2nd Hutchins Mrs K & Mr D, Foxriever Moon Dancer
3rd Mr A M and Mrs D Whitehead Foxriever Ritual Flame
Post Graduate.
1st Mr A M and Mrs D Whitehead Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever
2nd Mrs C and Miss L Killick Overbore’s Double or Stick
1st Miss A Clayton Lizallwood Mr Bojangles JW
BOB Mr A M and Mrs D Whitehead Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever
RBOB Miss A Clayton Lizallwood Mr Bojangles JW
BP Miss E Huckle, Foxriever Storm Cloud
AV VNB Junior
2nd Hutchins Mrs K & Mr D, Foxriever Moon Dancer
Post Graduate
Res Mrs C and Miss L Killick Overbore’s Double or Stick
1st and Best AV VNB Miss A Clayton Lizallwood Mr Bojangles JW
Chelmsford and District, 1 May 2023
VHC in AVNSC Puppy and 2nd in AVNSC Yearling
Sutton, Mrs Ellen & Whitehead, Mrs Denyse & Whitehead Mr Andrew Foxriever Grey Ghost
Pontypridd and DCS, 1 May 2023
Maggie and Jerry Stephens Ravenho Up Town Girl for Brightmeadow was 1st AVNSC Puppy and went on to take Puppy Group 3
She also won the Puppy Stakes and took home £25.
Marlborough and District CS, 1 May 2023
Nina Parker-Miles was 1st in Adult Handling out of a big class of 12.
Bridgend & District KA, 5 March 2023
Judge: Bill Orzel
1 Finch’s’ Molokain Doing The Do At Cetgueli (Curly Coat) Nice shape of head, strong clean neck set on well laid shoulders, straight front, level topline and muscular adequately angled rear, a little hesitant on the stack and movement was not his best today.
Folkestone Hythe and District, 5 March 2023
Judge: Celia Woodbridge
AVNSC Gundog
1 Boorman’s Tessmene Talk Of The Town (Curlycoated Retriever) – impressive liver male with super balance and ring presence. Super head, straight front with plenty of bone, strong loin and topline, correct angulation both ends. Good coat with crisp curls. Covered the ground well. Best AVNSCG
Coventry and District GS, 5 March 2023
Judge: Simon Pitts
Retriever Curly Coated
P (4,2)
1 Stephen’s Ravenho Up Town Girl for Brightmeadow. Wow, what a stunning puppy. 9 months, outstanding confirmation from her feminine head to the end of her tail. Is completely balanced with everything fitting together seamlessly, with all the finish, class and beauty of line one could possibly hope for. On the move was sound, but a little erratic which cost her the breed by the tightest of margins, against her equally precocious brother. With time I doubt she will trouble the best; she will be the best! I will watch her career with interest. RBOB
2 Whitehead’s Foxriever Ritual Flame, 8 month bitch, who was rather overwhelmed by the experience which made assessing her difficult. Showed glimpses of a promising shape. Well boned legs, body developing nicely, and correctly angulated hindquarters.
J (3, 1)
1 Stephenson’s Ravenho Looks Like Trouble for Brightmeadow. brother to puppy winner. Right out the top of the top draw and makes an immediate impression. Another stunning puppy, well grown for age and slightly more forward than his sister, but has room for maturity without going over. Again, outstanding confirmation, class and finish throughout; preferred his sister over the croup, but, even in this small ring and slippery surface, this dog’s movement was spectacular for any age, let alone 9 months; foot perfect, with reach, drive and power but nothing exaggerated. Would love to see him outside in a bigger ring. Exciting time ahead for this young man. BOB and BP.
2 Whitehead’s Stormacre Family Portrait for Foxriever, 14 month bitch. Stands on well boned legs, developing well in body with depth and well ribbed up to her short strong loin, Holds her topline on the move.
O (2,1)
1 Clayton’s Lizallwood Mr Bojangles JW, 2 year old dog, pleasing overall shape in profile. Stands on good legs, straight front, well sprung ribs and strong loin. Moderate angulation and let down to hocks. Keeps his topline on the move, just couldn’t match the youngsters for power and drive on the move today.
Exeter and County CS, 18 March 2023
Judge: Claire Sharp
Retriever (Curly Coated) O (4)
1 & BOB Edworthy’s Maycourt Heartbreaker. An upstanding boy who was larger than the rest in his class but so correctly constructed. Lovely coat with tight, crisp curls. Standing on the best of feet and he moved foot perfect.
2 & RBOB Courtier’s Maycourt Stairway to Heaven JW Really liked this girl and initially, thought she was going to be my winner but she completely sagged in the last line up. She is well constructed fore and aft and moved nicely. Lovely coat and well muscled.
3 David & Bradstock’s Maycourt Kashmir con Redanimo
4 & BP. Riva’s Tessmene Rock That Look. Raw baby and it was a shame she had to compete with dogs much older than her. Lovely head though mouth needs to alter. Super coat, nicely constructed and moved well.
Oswestry and District KA,19 March 2023
Judge: Pauline Luxmoore-Ball
AVNSC Gundog Puppy
2. Hutchins’ Foxriever Moon Dancer. Retriever (Curly Coated). Very nice exhibit and one to watch, beautiful head, still maturing
North & South Shields CS, 24 March 2023
Judge: Sue Butterfield
A.V.S.C Gundog P (1)
1 Inman Foxriever Silver Wing Among Keamarola, Curly Coated Retriever, 7 month old bitch, very nice head and expression, good shoulders and spread of rib, well muscled ,moved well when she settled down, BPB & BP
GBAS Open Show, 25 March 2023
Judge: Michael Keely
Curly Coated Retrievers
OPEN (3)
3 year old bitch. All quality, typical head and expression, well proportioned body with good angles. Correct coat. Movement soundly and with purpose. Her superior quarters won her this class. BOB
26 months. Very typical sound Curly, super head and expression, good coat, has all the essentials.
Tredegar and District Canine Society, 1 April 2023
Judge: Jinty Gill Davies
AV Puppy Stakes
2 Finch’s Molokain Doing The Do At Cetguelli. 10 months black Curly Coated Retriever dog. Skull & muzzle still developing. Neat ears. Well made neck, shoulder & upper arm. Good body & ribs for age. Coat texture in transition.
AV Junior Stakes
2 Stephens’ Ravenho Looks Like Trouble For Brightmeadow. Very promising 11 months black Curlycoated Retriever dog. Up to size but full of quality and breed type. Masculine head, good skull and muzzle, typical eye & expression. Neatly made neck & shoulders. Well made upper arm, legs & feet. Roomy ribcage with correct spring. Strong loin, body & hindquarters. Correct curl to coat. Moved soundly with drive.