Curly Comms
Heart Disease – Kennel Club New Online Survey
Club Secretary, Vicki Hayes, has sent out an email from The Health Team at the Kennel Club to all members to let you know about a new online survey relating to heart disease in pedigree dogs.
If we could encourage as many club members as possible to complete the survey, it takes less than 10 minutes…
To complete the survey, please visit
Also if you have any queries, or want to report any Health findings to the Club, please contact our Breed Health Co-ordinator Nina Parker-Miles.
Gundog Training Days
South West Hub
Norfolk & Norwich Canine Society, 9 April 2024
Judge: Judith Rule (Overbore)
Puppy (2 entries, 1 abs)
1 Miss C Mercer & Miss LA Thomas, Kahawei Catch The Stars Over Stormacre
Special Yearling (3 entries, 2 abs)
1 Miss T James, Kahawei Sea The Stars, RBOB & BP
Limit (2 entries, 2 abs)
Open (5 entries, 4 abs)
1 Miss C Mercer & Miss LA Thomas, Sh Ch Tynesides My Heart Will Go On To Stormacre (Imp USA) JW, BOB
Birtley & District Canine Society, 13 April 2024
Judge: Tom Mather (Barklots)
Junior (2)
1 Mrs N Dick, Firecurl Excalibur, BP
2 Ms A Wynne-Jones, Crimblescurl Dancing Queen
Post Graduate (2)
1 Mrs VC & Mr KM Dooley, Rowancurl Pullman Porter
2 Ms A Wynne-Jones, Crimblescurl Wildotter
Open (1)
1 Ms A Wynne-Jones, Crimblescurl Cherry, BOB
North K9 Lost Dog Tracking Dogs
This week Shirley Buchanan told us about the work she does with May, Fleetpaw First Lady, helping to track, search for and find lost dogs throughout the North of England, she said,
‘We are part of the North K9 Lost Dog Tracking Dogs so sometimes we are contacted by our page but mostly we are contacted by Mandy Butler from the local Lost Dog Trapping Team or tagged locally by people who are aware that we can help.
We have been out in all sorts of areas from Northumberland, Teeside, and York. Claire is hoping to get more dogs trained around this area as currently there is only May, so a lot of time we are on our own, depending on owners or other lost dog people to come with us. A couple of times one of the other teams have travelled over to work with us. It’s better if there are at least 2 teams working together.’
We’re sure you’ll agree this is such worthwhile work. Just knowing that there are people and organisations available and willing to help others going through the absolute heartache of having lost their dog, their family member…
Barn Hunt Workshop, Essex
Charlotte and John Bailey took Oakie – Lizallwood Sunny Jim, to a barn hunt workshop in Essex on Saturday.
This is what they said about the day,
‘Oakie was the first curly coat they have had and they were lining up to meet him.
Oakie is very good at find it games indoors and the barn hunt seemed a great way to hone his skills.
Barn Hunt is a brand new sport to the UK. It uses natural instincts to find hidden tubes and we had to learn to read Oakie’s signals to know when the tube has been found.
The event took place in a fully fenced ring full of straw bales, which Oakie could climb on, go through tunnels and obstacles whilst using his nose to sniff out the tubes.
Oakie had a great time and enjoyed the interactions with the other dogs that were friendly and of course getting strokes from anyone that would offer.
We got some good praise and we were told we should consider Oakie taking it further and competing as he aced the beginners course completing it in some fast times.
We ended the afternoon with a final treat of going to the beach where Oakie took a particular fancy to the ice cream van.’
Barn Hunt Workshop, Central Scotland
Jean Cummings and Nova – Molokain Enchanted One, have also been at a Barn Hunt this week, at the other end of the country. They received a Certificate of Achievement for completing an Introduction Barn Hunt Workshop.
Greenock & District Kennel Association, 30 December 2023
AV Gundog NSC Open (8 entries)
Judge: Roger Perkins (Brent/Silkridge)
2 Mrs J Cummings, Molokain Enchanted One – girl with super type, feminine head, coat of the correct texture and free from woolliness. Forelegs straight with tight round feet, shoulders well laid back and muscular, chest deep with well sprung ribs, balanced angulation front and rear with depth throughout, moved true front and rear.
Stoke On Trent & District Gundog Club, 28 January 2024
Judge: Michael Blay
PG (3,1)
1 Moskowitz, Ravenho Mochara Cadeaux. B. Nice shape to this bitch when stacked, just coming back into coat, good wedge shaped head, good neck and well placed shoulders, good depth to chest and pleasing topline, strong loin and strong behind with a moderate turn to her stifle, moved well with good drive going away. Pleased to award her the class and BOB
2. Mckenzie – Ravenho Toulouse Latresco at Beddgelert. B. a lot to like about this bitch, correct head shape, but just felt 1 was a bit more feminine, good neck and shoulder, deep well sprung ribs and good ratio to body, in good coat and strong behind, showing good reach and drive, but just a bit wayward on the move today.
O (3,2)
1 Moskowitz, Brightmeadow Moondance. B. Liver of excellent type and size, feminine head, good front and well sprung through rib, good tuck up and strong loin, well muscled behind and found her in good coat, liked her accurate foot fall in such a small ring. RBOB
2.Mckenzie – Firecurl Pop goes the Weasel at Beddgelert (ATC AW01367002) B. another liver, preferred 1 when stacked, liked her head and expression good neck and well laid shoulder, in good coat, found her a little hunched up when stood, when stood naturally she presented well muscled rear quarter, lively on the move and just not the accuracy of 1.
The Yorkshire Gundog Club, 25 February 2024
UK Vulnerable Native Breeds
Judge: Mrs P Gowland (Remington)
Puppy (9 entries, 1 abs)
2 Mrs KS Stead, Firecurl Firefly – she is a lovely quality steady Curly Coated retriever puppy, who presents a very pretty head with a classical wedge shaped head, dark kind eye ad nice small ears framing her head, good neck into well laid shoulder, straight front, good bone, correct pastels and catlike feet, nice body for age, good turn of stifle, move out truly with free flowing movement, is in excellent dense tightly curled coat with harsh texture.