Breed Notes for OurDogs

If you have any news, information, show wins or just anything you want to tell everyone about, you can do….. All snippets of news are welcome, it can be personal, such as weddings, babies, and special anniversaries, or it can be any successes with your Curly in whatever discipline you compete in. Or basically just anything you and your Curly have been up to…..

The OurDogs Breed Notes are generally published on a weekly basis if there is enough news and interesting stuff to be included, however it can take a couple of weeks to get the information printed so please do bear this in mind. The OurDogs paper is accessible worldwide by people who do not subscribe to the printed copy but who instead have an online subscription.

Carol Johnstone has recently resigned from collating and writing the OurDogs Breed Notes – thanks Carol for all your hard work.

Taking up the helm is Leslie Bain.
can be contacted by email at or by calling 07584075585


Curly Comms


Curly Comms is a weekly round up of all things Curly, here on the website. It includes Club News; Champ Show and Open Show information and results; Activities such as KC Good Citizen Awards, Working Curlies, Scentwork, Mantrailing – in fact any Curly activities you can think of; and Judging Critiques.

Curly Comms is co-ordinated by Carol Johnstone, Aly Clayton, & Wendy Tarelli
Carol can be contacted by email at by Facebook Messenger, or by calling 07949332832
Aly can be contacted by Facebook Messenger.
Wendy can be contacted by email at or by Facebook Messenger