Bath 2022

Judge: Mr C Atkinson

Best Of Breed: 
2429 SPRAGGINS, Mr Nigel & SPRAGGINS, Mrs Sandra Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo
Dog CC:
2427 SOLOMON, Mrs Mary Elizabeth Anne & SOLOMON, Mr Keith Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysa
Reserve Dog CC:
2414 EDWORTHY, Mrs M Maycourt Heartbreaker
Bitch CC:
2429 SPRAGGINS, Mr Nigel & SPRAGGINS, Mrs Sandra Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo
Reserve Bitch CC:
2418 JONES, Mr A & Mrs E M Lizallwood Peggy Sue
Best Puppy:
2434 WHITEHEAD, Mrs Denyse Jane & WHITEHEAD, Mr Andrew Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (IMP EST)
Best Veteran:
2422 MISTLIN, Mrs Sandra Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh.CM

Class 1191 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2422 MISTLIN, Mrs Sandra Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh.CM


Class 1193 PD NO ENTRIES

Class 1194 JD NO ENTRIES

Class 1195 YD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2414 EDWORTHY, Mrs M Maycourt Heartbreaker
2nd: 2410 CLAYTON, Miss Alycia Lizallwood Mr Bojangles

Class 1196 PGD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2414 EDWORTHY, Mrs M Maycourt Heartbreaker
2nd: 2412 DAVIES, Ms Roz & BRADSTOCK, Mr Lee Maycourt Kashmir Con Redanimo
3rd: 2417 FLAHER, Ms Gillian Tessmene Top Notch by Kagemusha
Res: 2410 CLAYTON, Miss Alycia Lizallwood Mr Bojangles

Class 1197 LD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2427 SOLOMON, Mrs Mary Elizabeth Anne & SOLOMON, Mr Kei Foxriever Mystic Marvel AT Elkysar
2nd: 2423 PARKER-MILES, Mrs Selina Tengore Mr Moonlight
3rd: 2408 BOORMAN, Miss Gill Tessmene Talk of the Town
Res: 2421 MILLICHAMP, Mrs Belinda Jane & MILLER, Mr Peter Foxriever Solent Sensation At Wightcurls

Class 1198 OD NO ENTRIES


Class 1200 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 2

Class 1201 MPB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2434 WHITEHEAD, Mrs Denyse Jane & WHITEHEAD, Mr Andrew Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (IMP EST)

Class 1202 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2434 WHITEHEAD, Mrs Denyse Jane & WHITEHEAD, Mr Andrew Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (IMP EST)
2nd: 2413 EDEN, Mrs L P & EDEN, Dr Nicholas Echoes of Thunder from Tornado Beta with Ricanded

Class 1203 JB NO ENTRIES

Class 1204 YB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 2418 JONES, Mr A & Mrs E M Lizallwood Peggy Sue
2nd: 2411 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Stairway To Heaven JW

Class 1205 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2411 COURTIER, Miss D Maycourt Stairway To Heaven JW

Class 1206 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 2419 MARGERISON, Mrs S & DAVIES, Mr Stephen Infallibles Black Velvet At Kandrelli
2nd: 2432 WHITEHEAD, Mrs Denyse Jane & WHITEHEAD, Mr Andrew Foxriever Striking Spirit
3rd: 2425 PERKINS, Mr B J & Mrs S M Tengore RubyTuesday

Class 1207 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 2429 SPRAGGINS, Mr Nigel & SPRAGGINS, Mrs Sandra Sh Ch Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo

Judge’s Critique

VD (1) 1 Mistlin Maycourt Starman by Crookwood Sh. Cm. Upstanding male with a sound action, good straight bone with tight arched feet, has length of neck flowing cleanly to firm & level topline good balanced outline he pleased in expression & looked well.

YD (2) 1 Edworthy Maycourt Heartdreaker. Res C.C. Most pleasing to the eye. On handling he has the correct spring of rib gradually tapering to elbow as required, & I am pleased to say this carried through the entry today. He was very well presented with a tightly curled coat. Head of good proportions with a kind, dark eye.Ample substance in quarters, moved on a good stride keeping his shape just moved a tad close behind. I wish him well. 2 Clayton’s Lizallwood Mr Bojangles. Little smaller in size stands on good bone, is well ribbed up balanced angles fore & aft was steady on the move with correctly carried tail action.

PGD (4) 1 M. Heartbreaker. 2 Davies & Bradstock’s Maycourt Kashmir Con Redanimo. Excellent tight curl, kind expression from oval – shaped dark eye, has length of rib to strength of loin with width & muscled thigh. was fair in movement. 3 Flaher. Tessmene Top Notch by Kagemusha.

LD (4) 1 Solomon Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar. Took the C.C. Stood his ground to advantage, Well worked clean cut headpiece with a kind dark eye, excellent rib with length & a good fore-chest all giving plenty of heart & lung room, Head carriage & top-line flow .He kept a true profile on the move tail just carried a little high, his action was free flowing & sound. from substance in rear quarters, presented in a dense ,curled jacket. A very honest male. 2 Parker – Miles’ Selina Tengore Mr Moonlight. Shown to advantage, close up to first, stands on excellent bone feet could be tighter, I liked his head shape, clean cut with a most pleasing eye & expression, Again this chap has the correct tight fitting curl to his coat. Moved out with a sound. positive action. 3 Boorman Tessmene Talk of the Town.

MPB (1) 1 Whitehead Gypsy’s Soul First Lady for Foxriever (imp Est.) A sound youngster who just needs to settle, balanced angulation fore & aft, ample bone & substance for age, has a very kind eye.

PB (2) 1 Gypsy’s Soul. She was much more settled in this class & gave a good account of herself on the move. 2 Eden Echoes of Thunder from Tornado Beta with Ricanded. Ample substance in body with length of rib for age, good straight bone with tight feet liked her angulation in rear quarters, pleasing oval & dark eye.

YB (2) 1 Jones Lizallwood Peggy Sue. Scores with her correct make & shape, Pleased to award her the Res.C.C. I liked the work in her headpiece with good proportions eye could be a tad darker has the time to darken, grand depth of body with lay of shoulder, firm level topline balanced angles through-out, pleased to see a sound, free flowing action. 2 Courtier Maycourt Stairway To Heaven. J.W. Upstanding bitch, straight sound bone with tight compact feet, liked the width & sound quarters, handles well, moved out on a good stride, Very pleasing proportioned headpiece and kind expression. Also won P.G.B.

LB (4,1) 1 Margerison & Davies’ Infallibles Black Velvet at Kandrelli. Scored with a balanced outline, Carries a good fore-chest straight bone, legs well under body which has the depth & spring of rib. Another with correct coat, pleased in head & eye & expression. Tail a tad high but was sound in action. 2 Whitehead Foxriever Striking Spirit. Not quite as balanced as Velvet, she has a good spring of rib going well back, short coupled was fair in movement keeping a firm backline. 3 Perkins Tengore Ruby Tuesday.

OB (3,2) 1 Spraggins Sh.Ch. Maycourt Hot Love at Tusepo. My pleasure to award this quality Curly the C.C. & B.O.B. A liver who carries all that the breed requires in abundance. No need to list them as their there for us all to see. Suffice to say she gave her all and was a real pleasure handle. Put down & shown to best advantage.

Chris Atkinson